East Renfrewshire Saturday Music Centre ‘P4 Come and Try Event’

Williamwood High School – Saturday 23 April 2016 – 10am -12pm
Calling all budding;
Accordion, Bagpipe, ‘Cello, Clarsach, Double Bass, Drum Corps,Violin & Viola Players!!!
The above event is open to all P4 Pupils, not already in receipt of Instrumental lessons through the music service, and will provide an opportunity to learn more about the instruments mentioned above, see them in action and perhaps even have a try!
Pupils will be registered on arrival and parents/carers may then leave or stay and have a tea/coffee in the Café. N.B. Pupils will be expected to stay for the full duration of the event.
If you would like your child to attend please contact our admin team to book a place on 0141 577 3866 or email aimee.glen@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk no later than 29 March 2016, giving details of your child’s name, school and a contact telephone number for the day.