In attendance: Joe Shaw, Joanne Miller, Teresa Macpherson, Mrs Cochrane, Mr. Jamieson, Bernadine Nordmann, Jane Drummond, Sarah Grant, Ms Cumming, Jaqueline McLaughlin
- Welcome: – Joanne welcomed everyone to the meeting .
- Lottery: – would be drawn on Friday at the school.
- Treasures Report: – Current Balance is approx £4, buses has been provide for buses (£1400), science festival (1575) and £225 for Carmichael hall for hire for upcoming family ceilidh. Upcoming costs to include First Communion Certificates, cakes, bibles etc. Possible joint venture with Parent Council to raise funds for link project.
- Office Bearers Update: – Wendy is standing down as joint chair due to work commitments. Volunteers sought to take up vacant position.
- Ceilidh 24th April 2015: Carmichael Hall has been booked and school will distribute tickets. Cost will be £7.50 per adult and £2.50 per child. Prizes sought for raffle and there will be a guess the teddies birthday. Bernadine will source teddy. Mr. Jamieson will kindly donate a bottle of whisky for “throwing money at the bottle”. Ms Cummins will organise children activities Teresa to print off colouring sheets. Tuckshop will have juice and sweets, Bernadine to do shopping for these. Flyer to be sent out from school with a deadline of 27th March for applying for tickets. Volunteers required for the night.
- Summer Fete: will take place Saturday 6th June 1-3:30pm. Mr Jamieson to confirm let. There will be an opportunity for people to hire a table in the junior school recommended price for this is £15 per table. Jane to coordinate this with a letter being sent out to parents first seeking interest. This to be advertised after spring break. Collette has booked fire engine and Joe will book out bouncy castle. Matthew Cairney tournament will be separate from fete. Volunteers required for shopping for novelties etc. Summer Fete will be discussed further after Spring Break.
- Sacraments (First Communion/Confirmation) – Cakes and certificates to be ordered
AOB: –
- Public liability Insurance requires to be paid
- Ice Cream for sports day Joe will order.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 5th May @ 7:00pm