PSA Summer Update June 2013

Just a final update on what has been another fantastic year for the Parent Staff Association.
The summer fete was a great success and a fun packed day was had by all. The community spirit was very much alive and there was a great atmosphere all day.
As usual many thanks for all the donations and to all the volunteers who made it possible. A special thanks to all the school staff who were involved, especially Mrs Wright and Mrs Dowling who spent the whole day on the teddy tombola!

I am delighted to announce that we made a wonderful profit of £3300.

This money along with our other events during the year has again allowed the PSA to fund extra activities for the children. We have subsidised school buses for trips, the Edinburgh Science Festival Workshops and we have also supported the football teams to purchase strips. We have recently supported the First Communions and we had a great celebration with the P7 leavers in their traditional ceilidh. We also helped to fund a range of IT for the school including a new projector for the school hall.

Every penny we raise goes back to support the children so thank you again for all your support.
As always this can only happen with the support of the parent community. We are always looking for volunteers and your help is very much appreciated.

 Our next meeting is on Tuesday September 3rd which will also be our AGM. This is also a great opportunity to meet with other parents at the start of the school year.

Joe Shaw PSA chair. 07813 015 742

Scottish Charity SC041564