
8 boys are currently on their way to Manchester for the Man City v Swansea game as well as a training session at the Etihad. For all the latest updates please follow our Twitter @neilston_madras 20170205_051209 20170205_051155

House Fun Day – Harelaw

Reminder:  House Fun day tomorrow.  The winning house is Harelaw.

Those pupils can come in own clothes and bring in toys and games.  Please remember no electronic games.  Have a great day!

Primary One registration

Primary 1 Enrollment
                         Week Commencing                           Monday 16th January 2017

If your son or daughter is aged five between 1 March 2017 and the end of February 2018, you should come along to school between 1.30pm and 3.00pm any day during the week of Monday 16 January to Friday 20 January 2017.

You will be required to bring the following:

  • Your child’s birth certificate,.
  • Your child benefit statement. If you are no longer in receipt of child benefit we can accept a driving licence, utility bill or bank statement (with transactions in the last 3 months).
  • Current Council Tax Notice for your residence
  • Mortgage statement or signed and independently witnessed residency/tenant agreement for at least 1 year.

IMPORTANT                                                                                                                                                                                          If you do not have current documents, we ask you still report to the school to enroll your child. Your child will be provisionally enrolled until you have provided us with all the required documents.

Smoking in Cars legislation


From 5th of December 2016, a person smoking in a car which is carrying passengers under 18 years of age will be breaking the law. Offenders could face a £100 fixed penalty fine.

The Smoking Prohibition (Children in Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Act 2016, creates a new criminal offence, committed by any adult (aged 18 or over), where that adult smokes in a private motor vehicle in the presence of a child (under 18years of age), while that vehicle is in a public place. The aim of the legislation is to protect children and young people from the harmful effects of exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) in a confined space.

Exposure to second-hand smoke in cars involves higher concentrations of health-threatening chemicals than in larger, open areas. Even if the windows are opened or air conditioning is used, harmful particles can remain in the atmosphere long after the visible smoke has disappeared. The restriction of a vehicle also means individuals are unable to move away from the smoke.

We all have an obligation to protect children and young people from the risks to their life and health, caused by the exposure to second hand smoke and ensure that every child in Scotland has the best start in life. Growing up in a smoke-free environment is an important part of that.

The Scottish Government hope that the introduction of this legislation will help their drive to cut the number of children exposed to second-hand smoke to 6 per cent by 2020. This is a momentous step in pulling Scotland on the path to becoming a tobacco-free generation.

For more information, visit the Healthier Scotland website.

Follow Us on Twitter

You can now follow us on Twitter @Neilston_Madras

We will be issuing Responsible User Agreements which include permission for photographs of children to be uploaded to Twitter.  Please download this form and return to the school or alternatively complete the paper copy which will be sent home this week.

User Agreement


P4-P7 Reading Challenge – Keep Reading during the October Week

Our P4-P7 pupils have recently signed up to participate in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. The First Minister’s Reading Challenge aims to build on the work already taking place in schools across the country to encourage children to read widely, explore a range of books and develop a love of reading. The main focus of the Challenge is to encourage reading for pleasure.

Our P4-P7 pupils have a Reading Passport which they can use to log their reading journeys. Classes have also registered online to take part in the challenges and find book suggestions. Further information on this initiative can be found at new Reading Challenge website

Scottish Parent Council Update

Hello! We hope everyone has settled in well to the new school year. Here is your October update from SPTC with everything you should be keeping an eye out for this month.

For daily updates on what is going on in Scottish education and the latest news for parents and families, make sure you’re connected with us on Facebook and Twitter.



Fundraising Group (Support Our School)        

September 2016

We would like to take this opportunity to thank to those of you who have helped us raise school funds over the last few years. From those of you who have attended monthly meetings to those who have sent tombola prizes or made a cake, we have really appreciated your support.

The SOS Fundraising group raised nearly £4000 in the 2015 -2016 session.

£2440 – Christmas fayre / raffles / Christmas Cards

£840 – School discos x 3

£221 – Crazy Hair day

£333 – Family Ceilidh

Every penny of this goes back into the school, here are some examples of where the money has been spent this year.

£510 – school trip subsidies

£729 – P7 Leavers gift – High School Tie (‘15-‘16, ‘16-‘17 purchased)

£150 – P7 Leavers Ceilidh

£91 – Sports day medals

£370 – Fun day Assault Course and ice-lollies

As a sub-group of the Parent Council we meet with the sole intention of raising money for the school. It is this committee that organises the discos, Christmas Fayres, Christmas cards, school calendars etc.

Unfortunately, due to a number of committee members leaving when their child got to P7 we are lacking in volunteers to take on Committee roles. The recent AGM did not present us with anyone willing to take on the role of Chairperson or Secretary.  If we don’t have any volunteers, then the group will fold and there will be no more discos or fayres.  There will be no subsidies for school trips and our children will be the ones to suffer.  They love the discos, they love trips, these are the things that they will remember when they leave.  It would be such a shame if we couldn’t run them anymore.

We are asking you to get involved, we desperately need help. A committee role is only for 9 months and there’ll be support from a great team.  We generally meet 7 or 8 times over the academic year.

If you are interested, please fill out the form overleaf and hand it back into the school.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us through the school email Marking it FAO: SOS/Fundraising group.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Education Consultation


As you now know ERC (East Renfrewshire council)  are proposing changing the way pupils are transferred to secondary school RC (Roman Catholic) and non-denominational primary and secondary school from January2017.

You will also have been told about the meeting on the 13 of September in Carlibar primary schools at 7 pm.

I have been asked to attend on behalf of the parents council as your chair person.  I would have liked to called a meeting for you all to attend but because of the timing this will not be possible.   So I am asking for your thoughts on the matter by email or seeing me in the p1 playground at home time.

I will ask if you can email my personal email address for quickness it is

Thank you all for your time I know how busy we all are so thanks again

Donna Strathearn chair of parents council

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