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Our Young Person Services are urging people across East Renfrewshire to challenge themselves as part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) Diamond Challenge.

They are holding this special 60th anniversary event to help raise funds to transform lives of disadvantaged young people across the UK.

As part of the 60-inspired challenges, locals can choose to join a team of 60 people in a relay to cycle, run, swim and walk 60 miles, or pick a challenge more personal to you.

They are looking for 300 people to join in and make East Renfrewshire’s challenge the biggest one in Britain.

People of all ages and abilities can get involved and for those who don’t want to take part in a physical activity there is the opportunity to bake, learn an instrument, hula-hoop, sing or do yoga.

The East Ren Diamond Challenge event takes place on Friday 25 November 2016 from 3-7pm at Eastwood High School, Newton Mearns, G77 6NQ.

For more information and to sign up for the event, go to the Duke of Edinburgh website. If you are coming along to participate on the day please email and he will send you a time slot and more information.

Extra – Curricular Clubs

Please note that there will be no teacher led clubs next week as it is Parent/Teacher Interview week. The clubs affected are:

Monday: P6 Debating, P7 Science Club and P6/7 Netball

Tuesday: No teacher led clubs affected

Wednesday: P7 Photography, P5 Homework Club and P3 Singing Club

Thursday: P5-P7 Badminton, P5 German Club and P5-7 Senior Choir

Friday: No teacher led clubs affected

Extra-Curricular Clubs                                                                                             The following sports extra-curricular activities will shortly finish their session for this term. Sports clubs started their session earlier than most. Details of final dates as follows:

P4-P5 Football –         Monday, 14 November

P6-P7 Football –          Monday, 14 November

P6-P7 Netball –            Monday, 21 November

P5-P7 Table Tennis –   Tuesday, 15 November

P4-P7 Cricket –             Tuesday, 15 November

P2-P3 Rugby –              Tuesday, 15 November

P2 Olympics –               Wednesday, 16 November

P2-P5 Karate –             Wednesday, 16 November

P4-P7 Squash –           Wednesday, 16 November

P6-P7 Badminton –       Thursday, 17 November

P3 Olympics –               Friday, 18 November

P5 Tennis –                   Friday, 25 November



Successes and Achievements

Our learners are successful, confident, exercise responsibility and contribute to the life of the school, the wider community and as global citizens.  Our pupils achieve a range of skills and attributes through a wide range of activities.

As a school, we are committed to recognising a broad sense of achievement.  Therefore, in addition to the many ways in which we celebrate achievement within school already  we would like you to inform us of any additional achievements that we may not yet know about your child.

In no more than 200 words, please outline the achievement in the comment box below including the pupil’s name and year group.   If possible, please provide a photograph or any other relevant media  via