Tag Archives: read


It’s OK to take some time out to take care of yourself. All work and no play is not healthy.

Grab a cuppa and a biccy and see if any of these books might just be the kind of thing you need right now.


Let me know if there are any other titles you would like to see on the powerpoint or if you would like me to keep any titles aside for when we get back.

Take care, Mrs Baird

Modern Studies – great reads for S2 and S3


What to watch and read over the hols?

reading the red nose way

If you are at a loss as to what to watch over the festive season – fret no more.. the amazing Helen Smith ( librarian of course) from Eckinton School, Derbyshire has fixed all your woes.

This is a listing of all the movies and shows that will be on telly during the hols all based or adapted from books.
It is a real labour of love and well worth a wee look,

Librarians are just great n’est pas?

christmas tv 2015

#readyourAtoZ this time for Adventure

A for Adventure in our review this time

Great front cover

Do you know what it’s like to survive alone in a city plagued by crime? Caw does.
Have you ever wanted to talk to crows? Caw can.

Plunge into a dark dystopian future where Ferals – humans who can talk to animals – are drawn to the city of Blackstone. Some are good, many are bad, all are descended from an ancient line of Ferals. Can Caw and his friends stop the evil Ferals from bringing back the worst Feral ever to walk these lands, the evil spider Feral, the Spinning Man? And can Caw avenge the death of his parents?
Join Caw for an adventure you’ll never forget, where all he has ever known is shaken from its roots – dark roots…

Great review by Andrew- do it make YOU want to pick it up?


Some of my brilliant pupils have taken up the challenge to read their A-Z.

So we chose to break with convention and start with …. A

First up is
Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan
Reviewed by Caitlyn
To be honest, this book was not for me. Normally, I am into the usual soppy story about reunion and love, however, this book takes it too far. I’m sorry to say this, but for me, this was not a credible book.
First of all, the book has too many ideas going on in a short period of time. It seems like the main character of her book, Apple, has almost every problem known to man. She loses her mum and is in the midst of losing her friend and her mum finally comes back and she has a new sister and then her mum isn’t being a proper parent. Not only is this all happening, but at the same time Apple is an amazing writer but is too scared to follow her talent. Furthermore she falls in love with a boy who helps her find her sister who ran away. What I’m trying to say is that there is too much going on at once and, after a while, the plot just gets confusing. I believe that this could have been one of my favourite books if it had a plot that didn’t stray off to completely different ideas.
Another point I believe should be noted is that why is a girl, of 13, finding love at the end of the book? No one that I have heard of has ever found love this young, yet Apple does? Not only does this have nothing to do with the main idea, but also I think that it is unbelievable which just does not flatter the book. I love books that make me believe in any possibility, which helps me to visualise myself in the main character’s shoes, yet, due to this ending, ‘Apple and Rain’, it does not have that effect on me.
Finally, I would like to point out the names of the main characters. Apollinia Apostolopoulou is the full name of the main character in this novel. I understand it’s Greek and it is to link to the title, but it is far-fetched when most parents in the UK would go for the more generic names such as Lucy, Sophie, and Eve etc. I know that the long name which is hard to say is probably a metaphor for how no one understands Apple and her life, but in all seriousness, this book is for your free time. You’re more than likely not to see this book being analysed in an English lesson, so why the symbolic name?
Overall, even though this book is probably not her usual writing style, it has sadly put me off reading any of her books.


So, why would 250 teenagers pay £12 to go to the Royal Concert Hall on a Friday night?

Waiting on the main man err men um man?

To see a great band? To ogle some teen heart throb in a bad hat with an odd haircut who autotunes their way through some else’s songs?… erm no actually to meet a nerdfighting author.

Yep, it was an evening of fun and frolick and face slapping ( Hank won this time so John got it in the kisser from his baby bro) with an author who is somethig of a teen phenomenon both on and off line.

This was an “awesome” ( if you know his boooks you know why I say that) evening with the one and only John Green and his brother Hank.
If you have not heard of John Green where have you been?

Check out his web site about his books.


Check out his youtube channel (though you might want to turn down the volume – it’s a noisy affair)


Try the Crash course yourtube channels for information on History, the world, politics and literature


Or even roll with his tumbl for his fishing boat proceeds


This man is the epitome of geek chic and his books are not bad either.

He was here to promote and chat about his book The Fault is in their Stars. It is a beautiful and emotional ( dare you not to blub) story of young teenage cancer sufferers. He said he tried to make it funny but from the comments from the audience I guess he failed.

This is the guy who makes it OK to be brainy, this is the guy who thinks there is something awesome in everyone and this is the guy who thinks it’s cool to read fiction and non-fiction and this is the guy who chats to the president of the USA and this is the guy you missed seeing on Friday night!

Scottish Book Trust Reviews

will you pick a winner

Have you been shadowing the SBT awards?
Or did you just pick up one by accident and want to let the world know it was good/bad/indifferent.

Well just follow the link here and you could win a prize.

Try to make your review interesting and enlightening, which is quite a tough task when reviews must only be 200 words long.
Good Luck.

Titles that can be reviewed are :
The 13th Horseman by Barry Hutchison
Code name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
The Prince who Walked with Lions by Elizabeth Laird

Entertain yourself

This is a brilliant little web site where you can create your own Top Trumps type cards.

This can be used for fun activities and can be created for families or football teams or can be used for school work as aide memoirs.
Create cards for different elements or regions or book characters.
This site is only as limited as your imagination.
E-mail me your best creations and they could be on this very web site for all to see.
Don’t be shy!