October 27, 2017
by Miss Welsh
Comments Off on Mrs Watson’s Weekly Blog 27th October 2017
We love creating lots of incredible models at the STEM construction area. Here is Rory building something fantastic.
Alexander shared lots of knowledge with us this week from his new book – thanks!
We enjoyed solving some tricky mathematical problems.
We had to use the four processes this week when carrying out these maths challenges.
Happy Friday 🙂
I hope you are all well and enjoyed the recent October break. We are already full steam ahead in P5b with lots of fun and exciting learning experiences happening this week.
We are establishing a STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) practical area within the class where pupils will make learning links across these areas and apply them to various problems/challenges. If you have any spare wood,
plastic, elastic bands, straws, cardboard, batteries etc at home which may be of use, please send them our way.
As part of our health and wellbeing curriculum we have been exploring relationships and the varying intensity and nature of the relationships we have/make with those around us. We are keen to have some photographs of our families to display in the class. Please send them in with the pupils if possible.
We are continuing our “natural wonders of the world” learning experiences and the pupils are gaining a wealth of knowledge about these. It has been great to see them applying their literacy and numeracy skills within this context particularly when locating relevant information and note taking. At present we have been exploring where these wonders are located in the world and extending our knowledge of geography and our place in the world. In the coming weeks we will be moving onto to focusing on Scotland and specifically land use in our local area. We will be linking this to science and the production of energy and electricity. We will explore renewable energy in great detail. If you have any books/resources/links/experience that you think may benefit our learning then please let me know 🙂
The pupils have been working hard to plan and prepare their personal talks linked to resilience. It has been amazing witnessing the children make links to their own experiences and real life circumstances. I am really looking forward to hearing them next week.
We are always keen for family involvement in our learning experiences so if there is anything you wish to attend/contribute to then we would be really grateful.
Thanks for your continuing support,
- A huge well done to Alex who was moved up squads in the Boys Brigade. He is more confident when following commands and was successful in fulfilling the requirements. He also earned 3 badges in the process. Fantastic!
- Well done to Naomi Ratter who gained 50 plus points – she has worked really hard and persevered when things were tricky. Keep it up!
- Congratulations to Lucas who welcomed home his new puppy Ollie. He is so cute 🙂
- Well done to Rebecca for moving up a group in her Drama club – I am sure we will be seeing you in the West End soon!
This week Holly had her spirit bear from Brownies with her in school he was very well behaved! We hope he learned something new.
We said goodbye to our wonderful friend Timothee before the October break. This was sad for us all but we can’t wait to hear about his adventures in France.
We explored time this week and solved some tricky time problems, working together to help one another understand the strategies.
Thomas enjoyed creating lots of different flag patterns using the peg boards this week. They were fantastic. Here he is with the Scotland Flag.