P5b 060117

Primary 5 would like to wish everybody a HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🙂

Before the holidays we really enjoyed working on our nativity and we hope you enjoyed it too 🙂

This week we have been working on our New Year resolutions and our goals and achievements for 2017. It’s going to be a good year!

In maths, we have been doing problem solving which has been really fun! We looked at wildlife word problems too which were tricky but fun.

In language we have been learning about the difference between fact and opinion and we have also been revising our grammar.

We are excited to welcome a new pupil into Primary 5b this week!

It’s been a short but exciting week 🙂

Class Blog P5A Friday 6th January 2017


In P.E we played a new game called boccia. It was very fun. To play boccia, each team has either red or blue boccia balls and you have to throw or roll these balls into a hula hoop or you can use a white boccia ball instead of a hula hoop.

We have a new pupil in our class called Scott!

It was our first week back and we had to do check-ups, oh boy!

In art, we created figures using pictures of ourselves and drawings which we will put on the class door.

We have been getting back into story writing. We discussed different descriptive techniques; adjectives, adverbs, alliteration, simile and onomatopoeia.  We worked in groups to write a definition for each and then to create a sentence using the technique.  We used these techniques today to create a Christmas Elf.

We discussed Gender Equality this morning as part of our Global Goals. We carried out a survey to see the gender representation of various roles in our local community.

P5A – 9/12/16

This week we started getting ready for our Christmas show.

James:  I enjoyed practising songs for the show next week.

Isa:  In Maths I have learnt about rounding to the nearest 10.

Ruby: orange group have been doing division in maths.

Tiya: white group have been doing time in maths.

Mahek: we did tracing art to display at the school reception.

P5a – 2/12/16

We are very excited to have moved into our new classroom this week!


-We have been learning about global goals today.  I designed a poster promoting life under the sea.  We are also learning about equivalent fractions in Maths and have started learning songs for our Christmas Show.


-In Maths the white group have started learning about TIME and what it means.  We’ve also been learning about renewable and non-renewable energy.


-In Maths the pink group are learning about simplifying fractions and equivalent fractions.

Olivia S:

-In Maths the white group have learnt about angles and time.


In PE we have learnt how to play 5 Bat Cricket.


We are learning songs for the Christmas show.  My favourite song is Jingle Bell Rock!

Amara: My global goal was about protecting Life Below Water.

Molly:  The choir went to a concert on Thursday at Isobel Mair.  There were lots of stalls and donkeys there.


In PE, we were doing Active Rest, spotty dogs, squats and jump squats.


P5B Blog 25/11/16

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It’s been another fantastic week at Crookfur Primary 🙂 This week was Scottish book week so we got to take part in lots of fun reading activities. We got to participate in lots of interesting quizzes where we had to guess the author or title of different books. We also watched Authors Live which was really interesting. We took part in the mannequin challenge which involved us freezing in funny poses with our favourite books! We were also lucky enough to visit Mearns library and each got to choose a new book to take back to class

! It was really exciting! For homework, we had to take photos of ourselves reading in interesting places or carve our favourite characters into potatoes. They all turned out fantastic. We have attached some photos for you to see 🙂

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 5B & Miss Raworthimg_1197 img_1195 img_1198 img_1199 img_1202

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P5B Blog 18/11/16

This week in maths, the Excellent Equations have been looking at classifying different types of angles and using our knowledge of angles to follow directions. The Fantastic Fractions have been looking at calculating the angles within different quadrilateral shapes, and have been looking at diagonals and congruent shapes. The Super Subtractions have moved on to BODMAS. It’s tricky but really fun 🙂  (#trickybutfun)

On Thursday Mrs Uthmani taught us how to solve word problems in maths that were to do with the Titanic. It was so much fun! We also started our new topic which involved looking at different forms of renewable and non-renewable energy.

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to be able to visit our brand new classroom! It’s much bigger and looks awesome! We can’t wait to move in 🙂

In language we learned how to use commas when adding names and extra information in sentences. In writing, we created our very own leaflets advertising the amazing Tall Ship!

For Global Goals we have been learning about the importance of receiving a quality education and we learned that millions of children around the world do not go to school. We looked at lots of reasons why some children are unable to go to school. This made us realise just how lucky we are.

Have a lovely weekend!

P5A Class Blog Friday 18th November 2016

The pink maths group have been working on simplifying fractions this week.

The white group have been learning about angles and their names.

The orange group have been learning how to multiply two digit numbers by 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The yellow group have been learning about measuring in cm using a ruler.


In our reading groups we have been learning about vanishing habitats and species (purple group), Australia (blue group), reptiles (red group) and tadpoles and frogs (green group).


We created a persuasive letter in writing and learnt about different techniques such as; groups of three, rhetorical questions, exaggeration, emotive language and repetition.


In art we created repeated pictures in the style of screen printing using tracing paper.


In P.E we did dab tag and worked on our football skills.


We have started learning about renewable and non-renewable energy and the importance of plants.

P5B Blog 11/11/16

This week at Crookfur we went on an amazing school trip to the Tall Ship and Riverside Museum as our topic is the Titanic. In The tall ship we were given the chance to be an archaeologist and were digging up old artefacts from the Titanic. We learned that this is called excavating! We discussed what the various items that we uncovered were used for and which passengers might have owned them. We also learned that the Titanic is three times as big as the Tall Ship which was very surprising! After the Titanic workshop, we took part in a scavenger hunt around the Tall Ship which involved looking for lots of different items. We had our lunch on the Tall Ship and then walked across to the Transport Museum. While we were at the Transport Museum we got to explore the old street, sit on an old tram and visit a dress up shop! It was very fun. We got to learn even more about ships and look at lots of interesting models. It was a great trip! 🙂

This week in maths, the Super Subtractions continued working on function machines and equations and continued to make excellent progress. The Excellent Equations continued working on area and perimeter and worked on more complicated calculations. The Fantastic Fractions learned about special triangles and can now identify equilateral, scalene and isosceles triangles and can also calculate the angles within different triangles.

In language, we wrote exciting recounts of our school trip!

On Friday we learned about Remembrance Day (Armistice) and we had a two minute silence to remember all the people who lost their lives during the war.

P5A Class Blog Friday 11th November 2016

The orange group have been learning about probability. We have been answering questions, saying how possible something is of happening.

The white group have been learning about area and perimeter. We have looked at the area of rectangles, squares, right angled triangles and compound shapes.

The pink group have been continuing our learning on data analysis. This week we studied pie charts and created our own graphs.

The yellow group have been learning about 3D shapes.

We went on our school trip to see the Tall Ship at the Transport Museum.  We discussed the Titanic and what we had been learning about.  We then got to be archaeologists and dig up Titanic artefacts and discussed who would have owned them and what they were used for.  Some pupils took part in a scavenger hunt in the museum and on the ship.

We were talking about The Global Goals today. We learnt that in some places in the world affected by war and conflict, children have to leave their homes.  We packed a suitcase with the items we would take from home if we had to leave for a very long journey.

This week, we have each given a solo talk about the Titanic. The presentations have been very interesting.











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