Read to Succeed – Skullduggery Pleasant Mania

Skulduggery Mania                 


Read to Succeed


Julia and Zaynab are the leaders of Read to Succeed. Our aim is to make reading more enjoyable for others by: recommending books, reading books to children and letting them do activities on it, reviewing books, putting up quotes to encourage reading, having a reading record of 10 minutes every time we come into school and after playtime and lunchtime with lots more included!

We have been extremely successful, and reading is becoming more and more popular.

These are some of the quotes we have put up:

“Have you heard, that you’re not a nerd? If you read, you will succeed”- Read to Succeed.

“Did you know that sparrows fly south in the winter!?” Skulduggery Pleasant, Derek Landy.

“The more you read, the more you’ll know. The more you learn, the more places you will go”- Dr Seuss.


Primary 2’s Reading Time


Every Friday at Golden time we gather up 4 children and read them a book. Here are the names of some of the books: Stick Man, The Smartest Giant In the town and many more. While we are reading the books, we ask them questions about the book, for example what happens next? When we are done, they do an activities that shows that they have been paying attention!

Sometimes in the activities there is a prize. The prize is two house tokens. Every Friday when we do Read to Succeed they always enjoy this.


We interviewed two of the children and they said…

Alexander-” I like doing the activities because they are fun!”

Myra-” I like to do the activities and getting read books to!”


Skulduggery Has Taken Over


Julia and Zaynab were asked to recommend 5 books to our class, and one of them was called Skulduggery Pleasant which was a popular choice in the class…

Mrs Watson enjoyed the excerpt from the book so much that she used it for some comprehension tasks.  We all really enjoyed the tasks and loved exploring the language and all the different writing skills the author used.

The next week two pupils brought in a Skulduggery Pleasant book and they were loving it. So, more people brought in a Skulduggery Pleasant book into school, we ended up doing a full comprehension on the 3rd chapter of the first book of Skulduggery Pleasant and I think that persuaded them to get a book!

Fun Fact: Mrs Watson, our teacher, bought the first and second book of Skulduggery Pleasant!

Read to Succeed will continue to support and encourage all the children to read and enjoy books and texts of all genres.