Primary 6B Class Blog Friday 8th June 2018

This week we have been learning about what happens when a baby grows up to a toddler and the developmental milestones they go through.

We had sports day on Thursday. It was very fun.  We did lots of different activities like javelin throwing and racing space-hoppers!

In maths the white group have been learning about money and bank cards (credit cards). The orange group have been converting units of measurement using a decimal point.  The yellow group have begun a new topic on 12 and 24 hour time.

In science we have been learning about different animals and how they communicate. They can use seismic, electric, auditory, touch, olfactory, visual.

On Wednesday the nursery had their sports day and a number of the pupils did an excellent job of helping the nursery pupils.

In writing we have been learning how to write instructions. Today we wrote instructions on a topic of our own choice.  We were to include; an introduction, put it in chronological order, use sub headings and headings, imperative verbs, list of equipment and a conclusion.

This week we have been researching a volcanic eruption so that we can use the information to create a drama script which we will perform.