P6B Class Blog Friday 1st June 2018

This week has been an extremely short week but it was a fun week.

We held a heat for the relay race next week on sports day. A boy and girl from each house in p6 have been selected to represent their house.

In science we were listening to each other’s presentations. We took notes on a different types of communication which animals use and shared these with each other.

In social studies we used the chrome books to access Google maps as well as maps of Britain to identify rivers within Britain and the seas surrounding Britain. We had to identify features of the map in order to locate the correct river.

In P.E we did 5 bat cricket with Mr. McMillan. With Mrs. McGreggor we worked on our javelin skills.

Neilston Cycle Group came to our school on Wednesday and held a bike maintenance workshop for us and then led some bike games for us.

In writing this week we wrote a persuasive argument about a topic of our choice. We were to back up our opinions with reason and evidence as well as using persuasive techniques.

Some pupils presented their Natural Disaster homework task.