Carolside’s P.T.A. is now on FaceBook!

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1. Name of the Association

Carolside – Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

2. Objective

The objects of the Association shall be the promotion of a sense of partnership between parents and teachers in the education of the children who attend the School and the enhancement of educational facilities. Close links will be established with the Carolside Parent Council and Carolside Parent Forum.

3. Membership

3.a Membership shall be open to the parents and guardians of pupils attending the School and to the teaching staff.

3.b Associate membership shall, be open to parents and guardians of former pupils and to former members of the teaching staff. Associate members cannot vote at Annual General Meetings.

4. Subscriptions

The annual subscriptions shall be at the discretion of the Committee and shall be reviewed annually. All members of the teaching staff are automatically members without payment of subscription and should receive membership cards. Voting rights are given to all fully subscribed members.

5. Office Bearers

The Office Bearers shall be Hon President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Minutes Secretary and Treasurer

6. Committee

6.a The business of the Association shall be managed by the Committee consisting of the Office Bearers, parents and members of the teaching staff, to a maximum of 23.

6.b Associate members shall not be eligible for election to the Committee.

6.c The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies occurring during the interval between Annual General Meetings.

6.d The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees who in turn may co-opt members.

6.e Committee members shall serve for 2 (two) years. Half the members shall retire annually, but be eligible for re-election.

6.f There shall be a minimum number of2 (two) teachers on the Committee.

6.g Committee members must attend regularly, if they miss three consecutive meetings without reason it shall be taken as a resignation.

7. General Meetings

7.a The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of May each year to receive reports of the Committee, to elect the auditor(s) and to transact any other competent business.

7.b Special General Meetings may be called at any time by the Committee or on request of not less than 20 (twenty) members.

7.c At General Meetings 25 (twenty-five) members shall form a quorum.

8 Committee Meetings

8.a The Committee shall meet as frequently as may be found necessary and at any time at the request of the Chairperson.

8.b At a Committee 50% of members shall form a quorum.

8.c Any non-committee member of the teaching staff may attend committee meetings, but are not eligible to vote.

9. Funds

9.a The funds of the Association shall be lodged in a Bank or Building Society in the name of the Association.

9.b Money may be drawn from the account on the signature of any 2 (two) of the following­ Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.

9.c It shall be competent for the Treasurer to retain in hand sum not exceeding £50,00 (fifty) for current expenses.

9.d Funds may be spent by the Committee to pursue the aims and objects of the Parent Teacher Association.

9.e The bulk of the funds realised will be allocated to the School by 1st May of each year with at least £ 1000.00 (one thousand) being retained for funding future events and any expenses incurred.

10. Accounts

The accounts of the Association shall be closed on 31st. March and shall be audited annually.

11. Auditors

The Auditor(s) shall not be (a) member(s) of-the Committee and (b) shall be appointed for the ensuing year at the Annual General Meeting.

12. Alteration of the Constitution

No alteration or addition to the Constitution shall be made except at an annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose; such proposed change being specified in the notice calling the meeting and being approved by not less than two-thirds of the members present. A quorum shall be 25% of members.

An alternative method to change the Constitution will be by postal vote by the majority of votes cast. The postal vote will be used as an option providing a meeting has been held first.

13. Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the Parent Teacher Association all funds will automatically be donated to the School.

14. Carolside Primary School Parent Council

The PTA is required to co-opt 2 (two) members to join the Carolside Primary School Parent Council. This role can be rotated amongst PTA committee members.

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