Communication with Parents/Carers


Within East Renfrewshire Council we use Groupcall to communicate with parents. We will notify you by text for urgent matters for example if your child is absent from nursery  or nursery closures.  All other non-urgent matters such as details of activities, parent council meetings, curricular information items, newsletters etc. we hope to send via e-mail or a new app called school app for parents.

Parents can download the “School app for parents” This app this is free to send information and also free to reply. the login details are…..username Carlibar,  password 4100

Please ensure that we have an up to date e-mail address.


if your child is unable to attend nursery, please call 01415774100 – Emma Spence. in compliance with our child protection policy, should your child be absent without notification, a call or text will be made to parents/cares.