Next Wednesday 1st May from 6.30pm – 8.30pm is the Busby Primary Science Curriculum Evening. You will be able to sign up for two of the workshops. All the workshops will enable you to try out different activities and work with your child to develop your Science knoweldge in a fun and exciting way. Places are limited so make sure you return the slip to school as soon as possible. Please note places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. We look forward to seeing you there.
Tag Archives: parents
ERC Equalities Forum
The minutes from the last ERC Equalities forum are now available by clicking the link below. If you would like to attend the next meeting, it will be on Thursday 16 May 2013 at 4.30pm in Woodfarm High School. If you would like any further details about this forum please see Mr Hardy.
P1 Registration Week
If your child is aged 5 between 1st March 2013 and the end of February 2014, you should enrol at your local primary school between 1.30pm – 3.00pm any day during the week of Mon 14th January.
Staff will be available to take your details from 1.30pm to 3pm every day that week.
You must bring your:
- child’s birth certificate
- child benefit form
- council tax documents
- mortgage statement/rental agreement
Fire Incident 30th November 2012
During this morning’s session, whilst the Nursery children were playing outside , a small fire started due to a malfunction in one of the heaters. All the children from the Nursery and School were evacuated and the fire brigade arrived promptly . Only after the Fire Commander had checked the whole school thoroughly, were the children and staff permitted back in. The Fire Commander praised the staff and pupils for following the effective emergency procedures in place at the school
Due to the fire, both Nursery rooms have been closed but our Pre-5 service will continue to operate from the Gym Hall. Parents should bring their children to the dining hall entrance of the school, which is located in the upper playground, next to the main hall where a member of staff will welcome you. At the end of the session, parents should collect their children from the ICT room. This system will continue until the room has been re-decorated, which should be before the end of the week.
As a result of the very unpleasant smoke smell in the Nursery and back corridor, the Primary 2 and Primary 4 classrooms were unable to be used in the afternoon but will be back to normal on Monday.
Lunchtime and after-school clubs will be cancelled next week.
Please be assurred that procedures have been put in place to ensure the smooth running of the Nursery and School during this time. However, we hope you appreciate that there may be further changes.
The School Christmas Fayre will go ahead as planned tomorrow at 2.00pm. We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you to all the parents, other schools and members of the community who offered us their assistance today.
Free Online Access Control Software for Parents from Argos
Argos partnered with Symantec to provide Norton’s Family Software to parents for free (no purchase necessary). The software allows parents to block access to certain types of sites and monitors use. It works on PCs and laptops and more to the point, on smartphones and tablets. I’m told that one of the most popular questions from the October national campaign was from parents worried about how they can control their children’s use of mobile devices and how they would know what type of sites their kids were going to and this software fits that bill. Features include:
– Android smartphone monitoring – to see how children are using their phones
– Web monitoring and blocking – tracks what websites your child visits
– Time limits – manages the time children can access the internet from any device
– Social networking monitoring – keeps an eye on your children’s activity
– Search monitoring – updates what your children are searching for
– Email alerts – alerts you when your children do something they shouldn’t, like try to access blocked sites.
Argos made this move in support of the Government’s proposed legislation for ensuring protection for children from adult content on the internet. If you want to know more, here is the link. .
ERC Parental Consultation
At the recent Parent Council Chairs Meeting, Chairs were asked to circulate the attached questionnaire and to encourage parents to complete and return the questionnaire to Lisa McDill, Quality Improvement Officer, 211 Main St, Barrhead G78 1SY by Friday 22 June 2012.
Questionnaires can also be returned to the school by Wednesday 20th June 2012
P1 Induction Events
There are two induction events for the new P1 parents and children. These are on Thursday the 7th June at 1.30pm and Tuesday 12th June at 1.30pm. There will be general information about the school; information on Literacy and Numeracy; as well as information about some of the partners who support and work with us. There will be opportunities for the new P1 children to visit their new classroom.
ASN and Disability Parents’ Event on Saturday 26th May 2012
The note the above event at The Isobel Mair School and Family Centre will take place on Saturday 26 May 2012. The closing date for notice of interest in this event is 12 noon this Friday, 18th May.
Easter Service
The Easter Service will be held at Busby Parish Church at 9.45am. Primary 6 will lead the service. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Big Bang!

Science Fayre Friday 16th March 1.45pm – 2.45pm
All parents are invited to come along to the Science Fayre on Friday 16th March to celebrate the end of Science Week 2012. There will be a short presentation about Curriculum for Excellence and how Science is taught at Busby and then you will have the opportunity of seeing pupils showcase their work and have a go at some of the experiements yourself. We look forward to seeing you then.
Parent Interviews
Parent interviews are taking place this week on Wednesday and Thursday between 3.30pm and 6.30pm. We look forward to meeting as many parents as possible. Please remember to leave your comments about the evening on a post-it by the main entrance before you leave.
School Handbook
February Newsletter
A copy of our February Newsletter is available in the Parents section of the website. If you would like your copy of the newsletter e-mailed to you, please let the school office have your e-mail address. As an ECO school we would appreciate your support in helping us to cut down the paper and copying we use in school.