P1 Induction Events

There are two induction events for the new P1 parents and children.  These are on Thursday the 7th June at 1.30pm and Tuesday 12th June at 1.30pm.  There will be general information about the school; information on Literacy and Numeracy; as well as information about some of the partners who support and work with us.  There will be opportunities for the new P1 children to visit their new classroom.

Long Weekend

The children finish school tomorrow, Wednesday 30th, at 3.00pm for the Jubilee Long Weekend.  We hope you have a fantastic time and the weather stays sunny!  School starts again on Wednesday 6th June at 9.00am.

Oh What a Show!!!

We all had a fantastic time last night.  We hope you all enjoyed, “The Wizard of Clarkston” too.  All of the children and staff are absolute stars. They worked so hard to make last night so very special.  The costumes looked stunning and the band were excellent. 

Thanks again to all our helpers that gave their time and energy into making last night such a fantastic experience and demonstrating, again, how all the Busby Family work together to ensure our children have these amazing opportunities.

If you would like to make a comment about the show, please reply to this post.  Thank-you


The tickets for “The Wizard of Clarkston” have now all sold out.  Well done everyone.  Rehearsals went well at the theatre today and we all really enjoyed hearing the band for the first time. 

Videoing is not permitted on Wednesday evening.  However, a DVD will be available after the event.

We can’t wait to see all the costumes tomorrow during the dress rehearsal.

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