Category Archives: Sciences

Science Curriculum Evening 1st May 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Next Wednesday 1st May from 6.30pm – 8.30pm is the Busby Primary Science Curriculum Evening.  You will be able to sign up for two of the workshops.  All the workshops will enable you to try out different activities and work with your child to develop your Science knoweldge in a fun and exciting way.  Places  are limited so make sure you return the slip to school as soon as possible. Please note places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Big Bang!

Pupils in P5,6,7 will be performing the the Scottish Opera’s, “The Big Bang” on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm.  Parents of children in these classes are invited along to watch the performance. All the children have been very busy learning the songs and finding out about different forms of energy as part of the Science fortnight.The Big Bang Show! takes performers on a whistle-stop tour of the creation of the universe and explores the wonderful world of ENERGY. Three groups represent the different types of energy – wind, water and sun, fossil fuels and nuclear power. Each led by their own champions, they debate which is best, until Gaia (Mother Earth) points out that unless humans begin to take real reponsibilty for their use of fossil and nuclear powers, the Earth will die. She urges them to learn the lessons of natural powers while there is still time…

Science Fayre Friday 16th March 1.45pm – 2.45pm

All parents are invited to come along to the Science Fayre on Friday 16th March to celebrate the end of Science Week 2012.  There will be a short presentation about Curriculum for Excellence and how Science is taught at Busby and then you will have the opportunity of seeing pupils showcase their work and have a go at some of the experiements yourself.  We look forward to seeing you then.