Category Archives: Expressive Arts


SCOTTISH BALLET is looking for Primary School children to audition for their Junior Associate Programme!


Auditions will be held in May – closing date Monday 24 April 2017.


Children who are currently in Primary 5 or Primary 6 are invited to apply.  No previous dance experience necessary. Every child who applies will be offered an audition.


Full details can be found on their website –

The Incredible BBC ‘Ten Pieces’ Take-Over Day

10 piecesOn the 26th of March, the BBC came to Bubsy and ‘took over’ for the day. We were only one of four schools chosen in Scotland. There were musicians from the Scottish Symphony Orchestra working with our musicians, an opera singer working with the choir and animators and film makers working with groups of children. The day finished with a performance of ‘Zadok the Priest’, the premier of the documentary and animation and the performance of a song written on the day. What a fantastic experience and can’t wait until next week when we have our showcase for parents and guests. Watch this space for the videos of this truly exciting and unforgettable day. We have also uploaded our videos and art work and hope that some of it may be chosen to be shown at the Proms in the Albert Hall later on in the year. P7 have included some of their thoughts in their class blog.

Click here to visit the ‘Ten Pieces’ web page. You can watch the original BBC Film on the BBC i-player from here.

Glasgow Music Festival Success!

Congratulations to our choirs and musicians who performed at the Glasgow Music Festival this week. The P1 and P2 “Busbits” performed ‘Blitzy Boy’s Tail’ and the P4, P5, P6 and P7 choir and musicians performed a fantasic rendition of ‘Under the Sea’.  This performance was so good that they came first in their catagory. Well done to everyone involved. A big thank you to Mrs Cairnie and Miss Milne who gave up their time to rehearse with the children.

Oh What a Show!!!

We all had a fantastic time last night.  We hope you all enjoyed, “The Wizard of Clarkston” too.  All of the children and staff are absolute stars. They worked so hard to make last night so very special.  The costumes looked stunning and the band were excellent. 

Thanks again to all our helpers that gave their time and energy into making last night such a fantastic experience and demonstrating, again, how all the Busby Family work together to ensure our children have these amazing opportunities.

If you would like to make a comment about the show, please reply to this post.  Thank-you

The Big Bang!

Pupils in P5,6,7 will be performing the the Scottish Opera’s, “The Big Bang” on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm.  Parents of children in these classes are invited along to watch the performance. All the children have been very busy learning the songs and finding out about different forms of energy as part of the Science fortnight.The Big Bang Show! takes performers on a whistle-stop tour of the creation of the universe and explores the wonderful world of ENERGY. Three groups represent the different types of energy – wind, water and sun, fossil fuels and nuclear power. Each led by their own champions, they debate which is best, until Gaia (Mother Earth) points out that unless humans begin to take real reponsibilty for their use of fossil and nuclear powers, the Earth will die. She urges them to learn the lessons of natural powers while there is still time…