All posts by Mr Weir


Taking advantage of the beautiful weather, and the chance to work cross-curricularly, P6/7 held a petanque competition during PE today.  A chance to learn some new skills, whilst sample a small piece of French Culture. Tres bon!



Community Engagement

Today saw democracy in action at Busby Primary School.  Busby Community Council are raising funds to carry out improvements to the children’s play area at Cartside Road.  Our pupils had the opportunity to cast their vote for one of the three different proposals.

The pupils were all very excited and took their responsibility seriously!

P6 Cluster Maths Challenge

Yesterday, a selection of our P6 pupils had the opportunity to compete in the annual Williamwood P6 Cluster Maths Challenge.  The pupils were put into mixed teams, and worked alongside their peers from Carolside and Netherlee.  They were challenged by a variety of different stations, undertook the 12 Card Challenge and completed in the ever-popular Maths relay.

Much fun was had by all, and the pupils maths knowledge was definitely evident.  Special congratulations must go to:

Harris, Jennifer and Erin, who finished in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd finishing teams!

Active Schools’ Football

Following an exciting train journey yesterday afternoon, Busby was ably represented in the first of this year’s Active Schools’ Football events.  Our pupils had the opportunity to pit their skills against teams from Giffnock Primary, Braidbar Primary and Thornliebank Primary.

A record of one defeat, two draws and a victory made for a successful afternoon and all pupils participating thoroughly enjoyed the experience!


Cluster K’Nex

Today saw four of our pupils compete in the Cluster K’Nex challenge, taking on teams from the other schools.  The pupils had to work effectively as a team to design and build a crane.  After much hard work and dextrous manufacture, the team of Jennifer and Erin (P6) triumphed and will now go on to represent the Cluster at the Regional Final.

Well done girls we are extremely proud of you!

“This was our first competition.  Our crane was really strong and we worked really well as a team.  We ended up winning the event and are really excited to be going to the Regional Challenge!”

Samuel and Cameron also competed.  We are very proud of their efforts too, the model looks great!

“We really enjoyed working together.  We built a crane with rope and K’Nex.  The design was like a digger, with a crane attachment.  It was a fantastic afternoon!”


Microsoft Office 2016

Glow Users can now download for free the Microsoft Office 2016 apps on up to 15 personal devices; up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets (Windows, iPad and Android) and 5 phones. This includes all staff and pupils.

‎Making the these apps available helps Glow users take full advantage of the opportunities these tools offer. The Office apps which include Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote provide a learning platform that translates beyond school and into the world of work. 

To download the Office 2016 apps, log in to Glow and either click on the Download Office Now tile or go to the Office 365 Home tile and once in O365, click on “Install Office 2016” at the top right of the page.


Our first Bikeability session for P6 takes place on Tuesday 18th April.  As this is the first day back after the holidays we are posting this reminder for pupils to bring their bikes to school!