Children Mental Health.

As it is Children’s Mental Health awareness week, we have a link to a virtual assembly hosted by a local author who has visited the nursery to read the story to our children. This book Lucy’s Blue Day talks openly about emotions and that it’s OK to be NOT OK. We hope you enjoy it.
Good Morning, I am writing to let you know about a virtual assembly that I am holding this Friday for everyone and anyone who wishes to join us.
On Friday 5th February at 2 pm, we will be launching our very own Virtual Assembly, for free, for Children all over the UK. This past year has been tough on us all, and our assemblies have proven very effective in helping our children understand their own emotions and mental health.
This assembly is open to everyone—children learning at home, children learning in classrooms, teachers, parents and carers. This is the link to register:
Click here to register for free

Please note !

To enhance our safety arrangements all Arthurlie Family Centre staff will now wear face masks when we collect and return children at the Centre doors.

We are requesting adults to also wear a mask, if they can, when they are coming to the Centre.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.



Firework Safety !

Due to the cancellation of organised fireworks means more parents doing their own display at home this year

Learn how you can keep their families safer when buying and using fireworks. Follow the below link to access: