Category Archives: BGE

WW2 models

Primary 7.28 enjoyed creating models based on a topic of their choice linked to WW2. Each model was carefully designed and made using a variety of materials.

The variety seen in each of the models was fantastic.

“ I really enjoyed researching my topic of food during the war and creating a model based on the foods that would be available” Katie Martin

“ I loved very learning about life in the trenches and creating a model” Scott

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to Primary 7.28’s blog.

Over the course of the year we will be posting and sharing our learning experiences. We have already been very busy in Primary 7 and have been applying our prior knowledge and new learning to a number of concepts.

We will be using our blog to share our learning over the course of the year.

Some of our experiences so far in P7:

We have been learning new games that we can play in the playground.

got to watch our first digital assembly

Engaged in a budgeting challenge

presented our WW2 timelines to our peers.