Author Archives: gw16crawfordmegan@glow

WW2 models

Primary 7.28 enjoyed creating models based on a topic of their choice linked to WW2. Each model was carefully designed and made using a variety of materials.

The variety seen in each of the models was fantastic.

“ I really enjoyed researching my topic of food during the war and creating a model based on the foods that would be available” Katie Martin

“ I loved very learning about life in the trenches and creating a model” Scott

Blackout poems

We have been learning about blackout poems and how they are created. We discussed blackouts and their meaning which created a link with our social studies topic, WW2. Blackout poems were initially created by Austin Kleon in 2005. We looked at some examples of Austin’s work and discussed the meaning behind them. For example:

This poem is linked to the Titanic as is is describing how the music continued to play while the ship was sinking- Orla

We enjoyed using newspapers to create our very own blackout poems.


As part of the Primary 7 East Renfrewshire Maths challenge we were exposed to a number of ciphers and codes. In order to decode the messages we understood that maths plays a vital role. We have been involved in 2 challenges linked to ciphers and decodng which we throughly enjoyed.

The first decoding activity that we undertook was part of the Primary 7 East Renfrewshire maths challenge. We were given 5 different messages to crack, each with a different cipher to use. The ciphers that can be seen in the image below is named pigpen. This was our favourite cipher to use.

The second decoding activity that we took part in was a decoding orienteering challenge. We had to use maps to find the secret messages that were here hidden in a number of secret places within our school playground. We found this a challenge but we applied our prior knowledge of ciphers to help decode the messages. We discovered that we each of the messages linked to events that occurred during WW2 and understood the importance of using codes during the war to keep all communication hidden from the enemies.

Maths Week part 2

As part of Maths week Scotland we took part in an online origami lesson. We were asked to make cubes without using any glue or sellotape. We found this challenging but by preserving and applying our prior knowledge of growth mindset we were able to create 3D cubes using 6 small squares of paper.

Here are some pictures of our completed cubes.

We also found that those we had completed their 3D cubes were able to help other in the class to complete their cubes. We really understood the importance of working together to get to a shared goal.

Our knowledge of growth mindset and the importance of the word yet proved very useful while completing this activity.

Maya: It was really hard to start with but I couldn’t stop smiling once I had created my cube.

Zoe: It was really tricky trying to figure it all out and I wanted to give up but I knew I could do it if I kept on trying.

Cameron S: I felt amazing  when I  was finally able to piece my cube together and help Saif to make his cube.


Maths week part 1

Maths week in P7.28 involved a number of engaging and interactive activities.

We didn’t let the rain spoil our maths week fun while we were completing our math week orienteering challenge. We used maps to help us locate the challenge cards and worked in teams to find the answers to each of the calculations.