Monthly Archives: March 2020

STEM Fortnight

During STEM fortnight we had many visitors and one of them was Strathclyde University and they talked to us about bacteria and we even put some bacteria on a petri dish to let it grow,here are some pictures.

Our next visitor was workers from the science centre they did multiple science experiments including,solar powered cars done by Muhammad (someone in our class),with a magnet we created a flying car going around a magnetic track and lastly what takes up more space gas or liquid and the answer is gas.

After that we had dogs trust come in and teach us about dogs safety and how to care for one responsibly and how to get one from dogs trust.

After dogs trust we had the NSPCC who talked about cruelty to children and abuse and how it is not okay they also played videos,talked about who you could talk to if your worried or scared and they talked about children and their number is 0800 1111.


We also did interactive maths to do with measuring volume using beakers and measuring jugs. We worked round lots of different stations and got to do maths in the Science room!


The first week of STEM fortnight was great, we can’t wait for this week!!

