Active maths

This week we have been using more active ways to learn Maths.  One Maths group have be estimating the length of everyday objects in our classroom as well as the length of our corridor and the perimeter of the pitch.  We then selected the most appropriate tool to measure these object from rulers, metre sticks or even a trundle wheel.

Another Maths group have been creating their own measuring cylinder and using them to check their estimations of volume.


Debib week

This week was Def Week at Mearns Primary school.  We would like to purchase a defibrillator for the school as part of our goal as a First Aid school and are currently fundraising  to help us achieve this.  Defib Week will help us raise money through a sponsored whole school Zumba class as well as educating the children, staff and their families in how to perform CPR.

The week kicked off with a visit from Jamie from St Andrews First Aid.  He brought along his training mannequins to demonstrate how to administer CPR.

Next, Leon from the Red Cross came to our classroom to discuss general first aid techniques and how to offer first aid without a first aid kit.

The recovery position.

You can cool a burn with more than just water if its not available. Lucozade!

On Thursday, Lewis the First Responded brought in his defibrillator in with him and showed us how to make a 999 in an emergency.

Finally, the week was rounded up by a Zuma session in the Street to get our hearts pumping.



Request for resources

Primary 6 and 7 pupils and families have be asked to donate resources to help Mearns Primary with their STEM plans for this years.  We are in desperate need of resources for our Tinker Lab and for construction materials.

Tinker Lab

We need various electronic devices to allow the children to open them up and take them apart  to see how they work.  Understandably, anything donated cannot be returned as it will be destroyed in the process. Items required are

  • mobile phones
  • laptops
  • desktop computers
  • games consoles
  • game controllers

Construction material

The items we require in this section are

  • Lego
  • K’nex
  • Mechano

These construction resources are highly beneficial for the children’s learning in our STEM lessons and clubs. We understand that these are high value items and therefore please only donated them if you are certain that you no longer want or need them.

Maths week Scotland


We kicked off Maths week Scotland in ICT doing research on the famous mathematicians that our Math groups are named after: Pythagoras, Fibonacci and Lovelace (not technically a mathematician).  We then took part in various mathematical activities to support what we are currently learning in class.

2D shape (2D shape drawings)

Equivalent fractions (fraction dominoes)

Whole number ( +, -, x and / board game).


Finally, we had an attempt at John Swinney’s first problem with one successful solution in class.


European Day of Languages 2019

To celebrate European Day of Languages 2019, Mearns Primary have decided to study various European artists. In P623, we can chosen the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt.

We looked at the paintings “Portrait of Adel Boch Bauer” and “The Tree of Life” to discover the unique style of Klimt.

We conclude that Klimt’s paintings have the following in common

  • use of bright colours
  • use of metallic elements
  • bright colours and
  • geometry shapes and patterns.

With this information we created our own Klimt inspired artwork using Mary Queen of Scots and the Darnley Tree as our context.







STV Big Breakfast Appeal

Today we had a big breakfast in our classroom.

The reason we had this big breakfast is because we are raising money for the STV appeal to help children in poverty.

Our breakfast included a wide selection of fruit, a choice of cereal and milk, and rolls filled with potato scones. Thank you so much to the community partners who donated food to us.

From the STV Big Breakfast Appeal website, we have been learning about poverty in Scotland and we found out that 220,000 people live in poverty and often have to choose between heating their homes or eating. The appeal has been in existence since 2011 and have helped to raise £19 million for children all over Scotland.

We also participated in a Plickers quiz to test our knowledge of the appeal and the importance of breakfast.

If you would like to give a donation, there is still time to give to the appeal via ParentPay.

P6 Diversity Day

Today we took part in P6 Diversity Day with East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure.  We learned about many different faiths and cultures from Judaism and Islam, and had an opportunity to try on some traditional outfits and get hands on with religious artifacts.

We were also given a mug to decorate to remember Diversity Day which should  be baked in a non-preheated oven at 160oC for 90 minutes.

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