Distance Learning – Day 54

The children are looking ahead to Primary 7.

Primary 7 Flipgrid MixTape

Last week was Inquiry Week and I received lots of amazing work that I shared with you on here. Over the weekend, I continued to receive work from Grace and Lewis that I have posted below.

Grace already submitted her report for her inquiry but I couldn’t share it on here as it was a written report in a Google doc. However, she has included this nice little addition to her inquiry. Not only is it relevant to her topic, history of ballet and the Scottish Ballet, but it demonstrates several digital skills such as time-lapse recording and video editing. Of course, it also shows her artistic skills. Well done Grace!

Lewis made this brochure on Nutrition in Sport and Fitness which is something he is passionate about and demonstrated previously in Sports Week. He interviewed two professionals in the field who, as well as providing him with a wealth of information, also advised him to make a brochure as they thought young people were more likely to read a brochure handed to them rather than looking up a website later. Either way, it is a great piece of work with a nice recipe at the end.