Distance Learning – Day 25

Sports Day preparations are well underway for our Sports Day on Friday. Today’s task was to plan the activities you are going to include in your big event.

Jemma has been very busy creating this very colourful play and practising her events in her garden.

Jamie’s plans are also taking shape and he has even taken the weather into account.

Lea has four events planned in her family-themed sports day.

Zac has been busy planning his on his computer. Good job! I particularly like the look of the closing ceremony. 😁

Alesha’s sports day looks like fun too. I am getting quite excited for the big day now.

You have been sharing lots of your Countdown solutions with me today.

Aatish was quick off the ball as ever with these two solutions. He likes to share his solutions in a private comment with me.

Delisha has been very methodical with her solutions. Great job and very easy to understand.