This week the Maths groups have been working on the following
Pythagoras: Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects- using language such as edges, corners and faces.
Fibonacci: Time – using 12 hour and 24 hour notation, and coverting between the two.
Lovelace: Volume and capacity – calculation the volume of 3D objects and relating this to capacity of liquids.
If your child has access to Education City at home, I have updated the activities to reflect on what we are doing in class and to consolidate new skills in Maths.
At the end of Term 1, it was noticed that very few pupils taking part in PE lessons were wearing complete PE uniforms. In the last few weeks, only 7 out of 33 pupils completely changed out of their normal uniform into a PE uniform: some keeping outdoor shoes on or their shirt/blouse, etc. on.
Children should bring into school each week a PE bag containing navy short, white t-shirt or polo shirt with appropriate shoes for sports. Pupils, whose ears are pierced, should remove earrings for their PE lesson. If earrings are studs and parents do not wish them removed, they should be taped over with micropore and parents should supply this tape.
Pupils are free to leave their PE uniforms in class, hanging on a peg, and can take them home at the end of the week or term as you see fit. However, uniforms should always be returned to class on Monday mornings ready for use that week.
Our topic this term is looking at the Polar Regions of our planet, looking at the people and animals that live there and comparing their environment and life with ours in Scotland.
To kick off the topic we have been looking at where the polar regions are located on the planet and finding out if we can explain this by considering the Earth’s position and relationship with our Solar System.
We were able to explain successfully why we have night and day on Earth and why the Equator is hotter than the Pole. However, we require further investigation to explain why we experience seasons on the planet and why they are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres,
Using balls to represent the planet, pins to represent the pole, and torches to represent the Sun, we discovered that the earth orbits the Sun at a tilt of about 23 degrees explaining why the planet experiences different seasons at the same time.
Some parents expressed an interest at Parents’ Night to know what area of Numeracy and Mathematics their child is currently working on in class. Pupils are made aware on a daily basis what they re working on but I will try to keep Home informed using this blog.
This week the Maths groups have been working on the following
Pythagoras: Decimals – multiplication and division by single-digit numbers, 10, 100 and 100.
Fibonacci: HTU – addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers.
Lovelace: Coordinates – plotting and reading coordinates on Cartesian diagrams.
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