Debib week

This week was Def Week at Mearns Primary school.  We would like to purchase a defibrillator for the school as part of our goal as a First Aid school and are currently fundraising  to help us achieve this.  Defib Week will help us raise money through a sponsored whole school Zumba class as well as educating the children, staff and their families in how to perform CPR.

The week kicked off with a visit from Jamie from St Andrews First Aid.  He brought along his training mannequins to demonstrate how to administer CPR.

Next, Leon from the Red Cross came to our classroom to discuss general first aid techniques and how to offer first aid without a first aid kit.

The recovery position.

You can cool a burn with more than just water if its not available. Lucozade!

On Thursday, Lewis the First Responded brought in his defibrillator in with him and showed us how to make a 999 in an emergency.

Finally, the week was rounded up by a Zuma session in the Street to get our hearts pumping.