Active Maths

Today in 6.22 we started the week with our Active Maths activity – Bet your Knowledge!

Firstly, we place our bets for how confident we are in certain areas of maths including addition, rounding, fractions, algebra and multiplication. Then we are given a set amount of time to answer each question and show our working on our whiteboards. Following this the correct answer is revealed and we see how many points we gain as a result!

We have enjoyed the inclusion of new rounds including general knowledge, capital cities and challenges!

Literacy – Writing our Book Blurb

This term, we have been creating our own imaginative novels on Book Creator. Today in our literacy lesson, we planned, researched and wrote our own blurbs for our stories.

We learnt that blurbs:

  • Are short in length
  • Introduce a main character, the story and the theme
  • Use attention-grabbing words and phrases
  • Use an ellipsis at the end to leave the reader asking questions…
  • Often have book reviews/star ratings on them

Now, we are able to transfer our blurbs onto our digital book creator app. We can’t wait to share them soon!

Campaigners – Promoting Swap Shops

Today in our Mearns Masters we used Canva, a graphic design platform to create posters and leaflets which promote the benefits of hosting/visiting swap shops.

Over the last 4 weeks we have been learning about the shocking working conditions in factories around the world as well as how the ‘fast fashion’ industry is leading to mass amounts of clothing waste. Therefore, we decided that our campaign will be to host our own swap shop to recycle old clothes that we used to wear and give them a second home.

We will spend next week organising our clothes, preparing for our swap shop showcase and sending out invitations to invite other pupils and staff to come and shop with us in 6.22!

P.E – Basketball

Our Friday P.E has moved to our fantastic gym hall and over the last few weeks we have been developing our basketball skills.

We have been working on dribbling, passing, shooting, teamwork and communication!

We have particularly enjoyed our small team games and challenges, we even had a chance to play against 6.24!

We are looking forward to more basketball over the coming weeks!


Literacy – Class Novel

Today in 6.22, we finished our first class novel – the Girl of Ink and Stars. We all agreed that it was a beautifully written and lyrical story of friendship, discovery, myths and magic, with lots of twists, turns and adventure.

We then spent time writing a book review, summarising our thoughts, highlights and the plot of the novel. We even gave it a star rating out of 5!

We enjoyed the story which followed Isabella, a young girl who was forbidden from leaving her island and who dreamt of the faraway lands her father once mapped. When her closest friend disappears into the island’s Forgotten Territories, she volunteers to guide the search. As a cartographer’s daughter, she’s equipped with elaborate ink maps and knowledge of the stars, and is eager to navigate the island’s forgotten heart.

The class have all contributed daily to reading the novel aloud and completing comprehension questions, there has been great progress in these areas throughout our weeks at school.

R.E – Researching

Today we began our first lesson on Religious Education. This is an area of the curriculum that our class were interested in learning more about in Primary 6.

In Scotland, we have a diverse range of religions which are celebrated by different people across the country. Using the Chromebooks, we were tasked with researching the creation story of any religion of our choosing.

We enjoyed having discussions and celebrating the unique beliefs of each religion. Across the class we looked at the origination stories for:

  • Hinduism
  • Christianity
  • Buddhism
  • Sikhism
  • Islam
  • Catholicism
  • Judaism










We enjoyed finding symbols and facts to represent each religious story and are looking forward to exploring different religions more in the coming weeks.

Campaigners – First Aid

Today in our Mearns Masters, we continued with our block on Campaigners! Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about fast fashion, fair treatment in the workplace and the real life struggles for factory workers in countries around the world.

Our lesson this morning focused on learning about how to administer first aid to an unresponsive casualty in our ‘factory.’ We followed the excellent guidance from the St John’s ambulance service and learned how to safely take a primary survey, move a casualty into the recovery position and perform CPR.


We realised how fortunate we are to have excellent emergency services in Scotland who are always there to help us!

Maths Journals – Displaying our thinking

Today in 6.22, we spent time using our maths journals to show the new concepts we have learned and our individual mathematical thinking.

In rounding, we have really enjoyed using our ’rounding rollercoaster’ to help us. And our maths vocabulary is something we use daily in our problem solving, word problems and mental maths.


Our journals are bright, colourful and full of information which helps us with learning new maths concepts.

Literacy – Remembrance Day Poetry

On Remembrance Day this week our class took a closer look at some famous poetry, namely the well known ‘Flanders Field’ poem by John McCrae, who was an army doctor, in 1915 during the First World War.

Flanders Fields is a name given to several First World War battlegrounds which were situated near the border of France and Belgium. The battles which created Flanders Fields began in August 1914, when Germany invaded Belgium.

Through our analysis of the poem, we learnt when the land began to recover after the war and the grass and flowers returned, poppies became a symbol of remembrance!

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