Category Archives: STEM

The Vikings

Our context for learning this term is ‘The Vikings’. We have thought carefully about what we already know about the topic and what we would like to find out. We will review these mind maps over the course of our topic.

What we already KNOW – 30.1.20

Tia, Kai, Keiyanna
Sophie, Paul and Yusuf
Kyle, Alexander, Sam,

What we WANT to find out – 30.1.20

Oliver, Ollie, Mia and Lilly
Maira, Fatimah, Aila and Melissa
Amelie, Amber, Lucien, Kaliq

Our previous context for learning was The River Clyde. Here are some photos from our trip to The Tall Ship and The Riverside Museum. Thank you to Adam’s Mum and Sam’s Mum for coming along with us!




Data and Analysis

In Numeracy and Mathematics, the Lamborghini group is working on Data and Analysis. The boys and girls used Microsoft Forms to publish surveys with a range of closed, open and multiple choice questions (ask us what these terms mean!). The surveys were completed by the rest of the class and we look forward to analysing and presenting our results next week.

Our P.E. Days

Our P.E. days this term are Tuesday and Friday. On a Tuesday, we work with Mr Higgins in the Games Hall. On a Friday, we have a double block in ‘The Street’. We aim to get outside each day to complete The Daily Mile – weather permitting!

Benchball in ‘The Street’