We have had a busy and exciting first few days back in Primary 6.22. Today we attended our first whole school assembly and we thoroughly enjoyed being back all together!
In maths, Pythagoras began work on comparing and ordering fractions and will continue to develop this over the coming weeks.

Elsewhere we have began learning more French, today we were practising how to tell others what our favourite sport is and took a class survey to find out which sport is most popular in our class. In science, we have been investigating plants and the functions of the roots, stem, flower and leaves as a part of our new eco-systems topic.

One of our New Year Resolutions in 6.22 was to make positive changes to help the environment. To show how much we care about nature and our planet we have chosen 3 pledges to fulfil in class and at home.
1. Power: Turn off an electrical device when you are finished using it rather than leaving it on standby – this could be a games console, computer, tablet or television.
2. Plastic: Switch from plastic food wraps or water bottles to a lunchbox or reusable water bottle.
3. Plants: Save water by turning off the taps (when brushing your teeth, washing up etc). Using less water gives plants and trees more to drink.

We hope that these small changes will make a difference!
Happy New Year and welcome back to 6.22! We had a very busy and exciting week in our class after returning to school following the Christmas holiday.
We came back to a special surprise that our festive corner has now been transformed into a new library/reading corner. We have our own beanbags to sit back and enjoy a good book (this week we started our new class novel Wonder) as well as new books that were gifted to us.

Additionally, we began our new integrated day and we were all very excited to see if we could achieve our learning targets. Our class reflection on Friday showed that our entire class enjoyed this type of learning and we all feel that we are working even harder to get through our tasks and feel proud when we can remove our target counter after our Literacy, Maths and/or BGE is complete.

We look forward to continuing this in the coming weeks and we have some exciting projects coming up soon – stay tuned!
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