All posts by Miss Hardie

Taco Tuesday ๐ŸŒฎ

Gastronomers Group 2 were in the kitchen on Tuesday and we were joined by Miss Hunter for our lesson. She was very impressed at the excellent skills on display and the wide variety of ingredients and equipment we were using in our recipe.

First, we prepared a garnish made of yoghurt, coriander, spring onions and cucumber. Then we moved onto cooking our tacos which were made out of Quorn mince, tinned tomatoes, kidney beans, onions, peppers and chilli powder.

We were delighted with our finished dishes and canโ€™t wait to cook them at home too!! ๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ˜

Issue 3!

Our 3rd Mearns Monthly Mail has arrived! The pride and excitement that we feel every time our finished newspaper arrives never gets old.

Well done to our class on the huge amount of hard work which has contributed to the on-going success of the newspaper.

You can get your copy now on Parentpay!

Solo Talks

Today in P6.22 we began presenting our solo talks to the class. Each of us chose a country which we are interested in and created informative PowerPoints that included facts about landmarks, language, famous people, cuisine and history.

During the solo talks we have been developing our ability to give constructive feedback through peer assessment.

Lots of us included pictures, animations and quizzes to enhance our presentations!

We really enjoyed learning more about different countries and cultures throughout the world.

Daily 5

One of our favourite parts of the day in 6.22 is our Daily 5 Maths Challenge. This is included in our targets and we enjoy working together with others in our group to solve the questions.

The topics in the Daily 5 vary through the week and allow us to challenge ourselves by applying our knowledge to problem solving questions or provide continuous revision from earlier topics in Second Level.

Welcome back 6.22!

We have had a busy and exciting first few days back in Primary 6.22. Today we attended our first whole school assembly and we thoroughly enjoyed being back all together!

In maths, Pythagoras began work on comparing and ordering fractions and will continue to develop this over the coming weeks.

Elsewhere we have began learning more French, today we were practising how to tell others what our favourite sport is and took a class survey to find out which sport is most popular in our class. In science, we have been investigating plants and the functions of the roots, stem, flower and leaves as a part of our new eco-systems topic.

Solar System Fact File

To round off our learning from STEM week we researched different planets in the solar system and created a whole class fact file.

We then added our fact file to our STEM Week display board ready for the showcase tomorrow!

We are so excited to show off all of our STEM Week activities to other classes ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ญ

Launch Day! ๐Ÿš€

This morning we launched our bottle rockets outside and used our launch pad to help balance them before take off.


We then had another virtual visit from Ross, an engineer from INEOS. We learnt all about petrochemicals and where they can be found in everyday life.

We have had a fantastic STEM week are looking forward to showing off all of our learning at our STEM showcase next Friday ๐Ÿ”ญโš—๏ธ

An Aeronautical Thursday ๐Ÿš€โœˆ๏ธ

Today we were very lucky to have a visit from Aeronautical Engineers, John Stevens and David Lacey. We learnt all about Mars and how space travel has developed to allow us to visit new planets ๐Ÿช we enjoyed an interactive quiz and designing our own drone that would be able to fly on Mars ๐Ÿš

We then began our very own scientific mission by creating our own Bottle Rockets. First, we decorated and designed them using paper, straws and tape. Then we made mini pouches of bicarbonate soda and filled our rockets with vinegar. This will cause a chemical reaction when we add the pouches and help them to take off ๐Ÿคฉ

Our launch will take place tomorrowย ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€