All posts by Mrs Kelly

The big reveal of pressed flowers and leaves


Wow! What a brilliant time we had this afternoon analysing our pressed flowers and leaves on a light box. ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŒน it was so interesting observing the changes that have taken place over the three weeks they have been pressed in our flower presses.



Once we got outside we continued with the theme of observing as we collected and observed leaves. We then went on to record information on our leaves in detailed diagrams and after swapping diagrams with others went on to analyse and identify specific leaves.


Creativity with leaves

We enjoyed discussing together the joy of growing plants and flowers today.

We then went outside and found more joy in the beautiful myriad of colours we can see around us in the form of leaves. Working in pairs we collected lots of leaves and created some brilliant patterns, pictures and shapes.

While ย we were collecting we noticed how beautiful the leaves are when you hold them up to the sun, it makes them look almost transparent.

Another discovery we made was a group of leaves where caterpillars were forming.

Outdoor learning

What a busy day we had outside today, experiencing almost every weather imaginable too!

We explored the Eco garden searching for flowers and leaves to press and went on to spend time collecting adjectives to describe the garden and everything we saw there.

After that we explored more in the forest area and learned about alliterative adjectives. Finally we used some sticks to do some length comparisons and created some super symmetrical nature pictures.

Quadrilaterals outdoors

What a fabulous afternoon we enjoyed learning all about the properties of quadrilaterals.

In our groups we discussed and discovered lots of similarities and differences in the lengths of sides and angles in each of the shapes we made using a variety of materials. it was so much more interesting doing it like this rather than simply using a ruler and drawing shapes in our jotters. ๐Ÿ˜Š

It was also easy to see where we went wrong creating our shapes and to make changes to fix them. Have a look at the shape made of shells that says โ€˜squareโ€™ below…is there something wrong with it? How could it be fixed?

Orienteering and maths fun in the sun

Finally we had an outdoor learning lesson in the sun! ๐ŸŒž

We warmed up with a game to help us with mental addition of a large number of numbers. ย We used number stones in our groups and investigated the different ways to group numbers to add them together. We were all amazed at the different ways we can do this and how often we each find different ways to get to the same total.

We also enjoyed using the orienteering punches for the first time, although by the time we squeezed all that in we were a little late getting back to class. ๐Ÿ˜•

Orienteering games

What great fun we had outside this afternoon learning and using our skills to play a variety of orienteering games. The main thing we learned is that we must always hold our map the correct way round and that โ€˜the exhausting gameโ€™ really is exhausting!

Great work from some of the boys creating their own games and rules once they had finished the activity they were asked to do at each station too.

Outdoor learning

What a great day we enjoyed learning about creating birds eye view maps of the school grounds.

In our groups, we decided on different natural materials to use to represent the main areas of our school and then made our own maps. Teamwork, listening and trial and error helped us create these really successful maps.

We were delighted to find some lovely little creatures as we worked too.