We had a very busy and exciting start to STEM week today in 6.22! This morning we began with a Maths themed investigation specifically focused on identifying symmetry in nature ๐ŸŒฟ we recognised that animals, flowers and plants possess symmetrical patterns and characteristics. We were then set a challenge to replicate symmetrical patterns of animals and flowers. This required attention to detail and full class focus!


We then moved into science and watched a live lesson on Space with Brian Cox ๐Ÿช๐Ÿ›ฐ ย he explained the development of space travel, experienced what it would have been like to travel to space on Saturn V mission and life on different planets. We then created scientific posters to showcase our learning!


In the afternoon we moved onto an engineering challenge. We were given a brief to design a marble maze using Lego. We worked together in groups to engineer and design a challenging and engaging maze that included doors, twists, turns and bridges! ๐Ÿ—


We then had an opportunity to share our learning and see if we could complete other groups marble maze! We spent time reflecting on our design process and what changes we could make to improve our engineering process.


We are so excited for the rest of STEM week!


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