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Snow Much Fun In 2022

Happy New Year!

We’ve had a great start to the year, learning all about handling data, different types of graphs and surveys. We designed and conducted a survey of our own. Next week we will be using technology to display the results of these.

We have also been busy planning our film festival, creating storyboards, thinking about genre, and considering vocabulary for our scripts. Our homework this week was a film review to help us prepare for this.

Today we had so much snow to have fun in! We spent the morning running about, building things and playing with each other. It was great to get outside.

Thankfully we have a radiator to warm our hats and gloves before we go out again at break and lunch!

A great start back to school!


Happy Holidays

I can’t quite believe we have reached the end of the year! The past few months have flown by and we have had so much fun on our learning journey, in P6.23. Our highlights have been Mearns Masters, presentations and using the technology. We’ve loved trialling 5e integrated day and taking ownership of our learning. Next year we look forward to more of the same and hopefully some nice Spring weather for more outdoor learning!

This week we have enjoyed a pantomime, a festive quiz (well done Icy Intelligence) and our Film Day. The PTA very kindly bought us some popcorn and water to enjoy alongside this. We also were too busy having fun at our party last week to remember to take any photographs but we had a great time!

Thank you all for the support, encouragement that you offer your children, it shines through in their positive attitude and determination which they show every day. I hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday and enjoy spending time with your loved ones. Thank you all for your kind words and generosity, it is so appreciated and I feel truly lucky to get to work with such a wonderful group of children.

See you back in school on Wednesday 5th January!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, see you in 2022!

Mrs Thompson x

P6.23 Mearns Masters, Numeracy and Literacy

This week we have been creating eco houses to make our eco city. We also decorated the houses using materials from outside and inside. We all enjoyed it. We have done our wonder and we will hopefully be watching the film next week. In maths one group was doing the difference between 12 and 24 hour time. Another group have doing percentages. Another group were learning about coordinates and creating some Christmas pictures. We have also taken part in the Adventure Trail where we have done numerous tasks such as making a present out of tiles.


By Jean-Charles & Zayn

A week of challenges

We have been trialling the integrated day. We completed maths and literacy tasks every day, in an order and at a time of our choice. It’s been so good!


This is what we done in P.E on Tuesday there was an obstacle course,rugby and beat the goalie


This week for Mearns Masters we were designing and building an Eco friendly community!

We using saws and clamps for cutting the wood and using the wood glue to stick down the builds and roads some teams were doing green space and some were doing houses and some were doing a school and some were doing a roads and shops/markets

This group is making an Eco friendly house


By Areesh and Niko

Bee Kind

At lunch on Thursday we saved a bee🐝. We found it outside one of the classrooms it was covered in water and was almost dead so we ran and got a stick and put the bee on the stick. Then we put in the forest and came back at lunchtime to see it falling off the stick and covered in more water. So we decided to go and get a tub to keep it dry and after a while we decided to call him Ribbon because on the box he was in it said ribbons so that’s what we called him that. Then we started to hold him and he started to trust us. After that we came inside and went to the kitchen to get him some sugary water. Then we went to P.E. and let him free in the eco garden and payed our respects to Ribbon by saluting him. He flew away to start a new life outside of Mearns Primary.

By Christopher & Ruaridh

Weekly Round Up

The past two weeks have been very busy!

We have been using a new website called Giglets, to help develop our reading and comprehension skills. We’ve been really enjoying the stories and activities.

In Mearns masters, group 2 experimented with mozzarella on their bruschetta, and group 1 made a delicious dish of tagliatelle alfredo! Unfortunately I don’t have any photographs of the pasta because I was busy undergoing training to become a bike ability instructor which will come in very handy when we begin bikeability later on in p6!

Wonder is our class novel, and this week we thought about generating thoughtful, open-ended questions.


The cubes worked with the K’Nex to created 3D shapes and to calculated the volume of them.

In writing, we have been learning about writing recounts, and have been retelling events of notable days in our lives.

Everyone has been working so hard, well done Primary 6!


Welcome to Primary 6

Hello and welcome to our primary 6 blog! It’s been a very busy few weeks back so I thought I’d share a little of what we’ve been up to…

Last week we took part in a maths challenge with our groups. We worked on our speed and accuracy of mental and written calculations. We were adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, and solving multi-step problems.

On Friday mornings  we learn through play! We consolidate and extend our learning in numeracy and literacy by playing and collaborating with our peers.

We used the chromebooks for writing and created a Google Slides all about us.

We investigated line and shape to create some starburst art, and we thought about how the SHANARRI indicators are met while we are in school.

We created a class charter, while learning about the rights of the child.

This week we practised our dribbling and passing skills while playing hockey in P.E.

On Thursday we visited the kitchen for our first Mearns Masters session. The children revised chopping techniques and considered presentation of their dishes. We are focusing on Italian food and flavours this session and we made delicious bruschetta and garlic bread!

Today we wrote about our favourite day and learned the features of a recount. Some people chose to write theirs and other chose to use the chromebooks.

We’ve had another great and successful week in P6 and look forward to next week already!