Outdoor P.E – There was 3 different stations, Manahil and Maheen lead a Hula Hoop game, Niko and Macy lead an obstacle course and Logan lead a fish treasure game.
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Indoor P.E – We did indoor P.E with 6.21, we played badminton. We went in pairs and did a rally then got into a 6 and numbered ourselves. 1 2 and 3 would go on one side and 4 5 and 6 would go on the other. Number(s) would be called out and you would play for points for your team. After you went in pairs and we saw which pair had the highest rally, Charlie and Ruaridh had the highest rally with 17.
Film Festival – We were filming for our film festival in our groups, it was really fun to film and everyone had a lot of fun. We did that 3x during the week.
Science – We did magnetism individually with Mrs Arbuckle in science.
Persuasive Letter – We wrote persuasive letters about things like Fast Fashion, Child Labour and what Boris Johnstone did (He went to a party during Covid), we planned the letters out in our writing jotters then redrafted them on lined paper and when everyone is finished we are going to post them to the people that we wrote to.