A wonderful week’s work

This  Mearns master session in designers we are getting crafty to create a whole new eco friendly community. Our problem was – how do we make our community more sustainable and reduce carbon emissions? We decided to create and eco community.

We were chatting and researching about how we can help our planet and make a difference to climate change while still recycling and not using any plastic or any other materials that could be harmful for the planet.We were also thinking about what renewable materials  that we could use to  make our eco friendly community.We also ordered all our supplies we needed and looked at the catalogues to find materials within our budget.


As well as basketball we have been learning how to play touch rugby and other useful rugby skills.

We have been taught rugby by a rugby specialist who comes every Monday for p.e to teach us more awesome skills.like how to score a touch tackle and we also played the numbers game where you get a number and someone from the opposite team would get the same number as you  once your number is called you play 1v1 or the specialist would call more than one number.

Last Mearns master session we were in the kitchen here is a few photos of our experience.

In class we have been learning about Scottish myths And legends such as the Loch Ness monster and red caps here is some images of the myths we have created.

We have worked really hard to create our own myths and legends but it was totally worth all the hard work. And we also made leaflets about our amazing legends.

In maths the cubes have been busy using the stopwatches to time them self doing all sorts of fun stuff.

Wow! The stop watch math looks fun! P6.23 is truly lucky.

We also participated in a word competition called hook me it was super hard because it had to use under twenty words! Everyone found it challenging because some people went over by 4 words I went over by 10 words! But I think it was worth it because one of us gets a free ticket to a pantomime!

by:Manahil and Maheen


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