Happy October Week

Good morning!

It has been a few weeks since our last blog but I was waiting until I had photo permissions before I posted again, as I thought it would be nice to get some faces in here!

A few weeks ago we had our Highland games house challenge which was a huge success. Well done to Donald, Gregor and Christopher who were elected as vice captains for their houses! They did a great job of helping out during the challenge.

In P.E we have been taking on the role of instructors and teaching others our skills. It’s been really fun and we have been able to learn some new skills from our peers.

Last week was maths week and did LOADS of maths. We realised we use maths all of the time in all areas of the curriculum! We investigated Marayam Marzikhani and created posters about her. We also had a pi-off with 6.21 to see who learned pi to the most digits.

Pi Battle:

Check out our maths board that we made! Thanks to Niko for making the lettering for the board.

This week saw the end of our first Mearns Masters pathway ‘The Gastronomers’. We learned to prepare, cook and present Italian starters and main courses. We thought about who the dish looked and served others in our ‘restaurant’. We learned a number of new skills and enjoyed cooking for others and dining in our class restaurant. During this time, we presented our group country projects which were fantastic!


Some presentations:


We enjoyed some den building outdoors too! Thee was excellent communication and team work during this!


I hope you all have an amazing October week and stay safe! I look forward to seeing you all back on 19th October.

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