Weekly Round Up

The past two weeks have been very busy!

We have been using a new website called Giglets, to help develop our reading and comprehension skills. We’ve been really enjoying the stories and activities.

In Mearns masters, group 2 experimented with mozzarella on their bruschetta, and group 1 made a delicious dish of tagliatelle alfredo! Unfortunately I don’t have any photographs of the pasta because I was busy undergoing training to become a bike ability instructor which will come in very handy when we begin bikeability later on in p6!

Wonder is our class novel, and this week we thought about generating thoughtful, open-ended questions.


The cubes worked with the K’Nex to created 3D shapes and to calculated the volume of them.

In writing, we have been learning about writing recounts, and have been retelling events of notable days in our lives.

Everyone has been working so hard, well done Primary 6!


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