CP NEWS – April Edition

Sponsored Bunny Hop

You should by now have received your child’s sponsor sheet for the EYC’s sponsored bunny hop.

Our Bunny hop will take place throughout the week of the 8th where children and staff alike will be getting their hop on! All money raised will go towards your child’s treat fund.

Bunny Hop Sponsorship form

What is a Treat Fund?

At Colquhoun EYC we ask parents/carers to contribute to our treat fund.

The nursery treat fund is put towards a variety of things for the children in our care, such as;

  • Baking cooking ingredients
  • Party food/decorations for special occasions
  • Birthday gift
  • Graduation
  • Winter Wonderland
  • Christmas/Graduation gifts
  • Special visitors
  • Outings / transport
  • Fun days
  • Resources for Centre

You are invited to contribute 40p per session to our Treat Fund. This can be paid weekly, monthly or termly. Payments can be made by directly into our bank account or cash – please reference your child’s name when making payment this enables us to keep an accurate record of all payments made.

Below is an example of how payments may look across the terms or for the year based on days.

Example of days                  Weekly             4 weekly            Annually

3 sessions                                £1.20                £4.80                     £60

5 sessions                               £2.00                £8                             £100


You can also help us raise funds for centre by signing up to support us while you shop. This is free to use and only takes 1 click to get started. 





Shop at a wide range of everyday brands whilst supporting our EYC.




Transition Programme for Primary 1

Our transition programme for primary 1 is well underway, with buddy meet ups, visits from Mrs Loney, attending assemblies and taking a tour of the primary 1 class rooms. During the Spring break we have been taking advantage of the classrooms being empty and been taking our children down to the class rooms and outdoor space to explore and play.

Over the coming weeks children destined for Primary school will take part in our transition programme, where we will support them in navigating their transition from Early years onto school. Our aim for all children on completion of our programme is that they…

  • Feel safe and secure in the Primary 1 and whole school environment.
  • Have an understanding of some of the expectations, rules and routines of Primary 1
  • Meet some new teachers and P6 buddies.
  • Have opportunity to express and be supported to overcome any worries or concerns she may have.

If there is anything additional you would like us to focus on, discuss or  would like to be included into our programme for your child, please do not hesitate in contacting centre.


Do you have a flare for helping things grow?

Are you handy with a trowel or, strimmer or lawnmower?

Would you like to help us rejuvenate our green space?

Do you have any ideas on how to create a space full of fun and wonderment for our children?


As the weather gets drier we will begin the process of revamping our outdoor spaces. Unfortunately, as most of you already know, our green space was destroyed by vandals and have never really recovered. We would like to recruit some of our parents to help us make this space fit for our children to develop and explore. If this is something you may be able to help with please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Lost Property 


If you recognise any of the property photographed please let staff know and we will get it home to you. We have seen an increase in the amount of belongings not making it home, can we ask to ensure we minimise this that you add a name to your child’s label. 


Transitioning to Primary 1

Its that time of year again when we begin to start thinking about our pre-schoolers moving on to start their primary school adventures.

As a service it is our aim to make the transition from our EYC to school as smooth as possible, supporting them (and you) to be emotionally ready for the move.

We begin to focus on primary transition for our pre-school children around April. Children who are going to Colquhoun Park will already be familiar with the school building, passed the early years centre as we use the school gym hall/cafeteria twice weekly. We from time to time will also use the school pitches and the primary 1 play space at the front of the building.  During the Spring break keyworkers will take all pre-school children down into the primary 1 classrooms within the  while they are empty to begin to familiarise them with the classroom setting. This is a beneficial process even if your child will not be attending Colquhoun Park as it allows them to explore another environment, and gives them opportunities to discuss, play, and process what school life may be like, This same process and opportunity is given to the children during the Summer break.
The Primary 1 teacher at Colquhoun Park and the classroom support will visit the EYC to introduce themselves to the children.
Social stories are often used by staff and focus is very much centred around the children’s emotional well-being during this time. These are all done generically and with class groups.
If your child is not due to attend Colquhoun Park Primary, the transition for their designated primary school will be arranged via correspondence directly from them. Whilst attending Colquhoun Park EYC your child will be exposed to, and offered the same opportunities to discuss and explore the primary school environment and where possible images of their new school environment will also be used to support their transition into Primary 1.
If you have concerns surrounding your child’s transition please do not hesitate to speak to a member of our team.
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