
Hello. My name is Carol and I am a Teacher in the Early Years Centre.

I have been a Nursery Teacher working in local authority nurseries for over 25 years. I gained my position at Colquhoun Park in 2009 and have enjoyed working here very much.

The Nursery has been through a great deal of change during this time and my role now is quite different from before. I now focus on the development of children’s literacy and numeracy skills where I provide a wide range of experiences and activities to support their learning in these areas.


Hi.  My name is Esther and I am one of the Teachers at Colquhoun Park Early Centre.

I have worked at Colquhoun Park for coming on 10 years and have worked in the nursery for the last 5 years or so. I job share with Carol who works at the beginning of the week and I work Thursdays and Fridays.

Over the last few years I have enjoyed the role of Math Champion. I love being in nursery and seeing the growth in the children over their time with us and I look forward to meeting more of you as time goes on.

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