Supporting Transition

As your children prepare to embark on their next big adventure, it is important to us that we give them the best possible start, sending them on their way feeling confident, secure and excited for the journey.

Over the past few weeks we have been gently touching more and more on the transitional aspect of this, offering children the opportunity to explore what school may be like, through discussion and play. We even had a playground visit from a real Primary 1 teacher!!

The coming weeks will see this become the main focus of your child’s learning journey. We will support them emotionally for this, creating a space where they can be exposed to different aspects of school life, ask questions and build their confidence, enabling them to independently take the big step from Nursery life to School.

As with everything there will be plenty of opportunity for your children to explore this through play experiences… so please fully expect your children to be bringing you the homework, as they transform from pre-schooler to ‘the teacher’ overnight.

It is essential for your child’s well-being that we work together during this period to ensure your child’s transition to school is as smooth as possible. If your child mentions anything they are worried or excited about then please let us know. This will enable us to address your child’s individual concerns or interests.

Click on the link to access the TOP TEN TIPS for parents’ booklet to support you during the transition process too!

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