SHANARRI and every day EYC experiences

SAFE – When using tools in the garden we understand that we need to do this safely. We should not be running around or using them for things that may hurt us or our friends.


HEALTHY – We have been learning the journey of food and which food types keep our bodies healthy.

ACHIEVEING – We know that by tending to, and watering our seedlings we will be successful in growing our tasty vegetables.

NURTURED – By learning how to grow our own vegetables we are nurturing our own knowledge and life skills.  We are also exposed to a great visual on the power of nurture in action. 





ACTIVE – We have to use our muscles to dig our soil and pull any weeds.



RESPECTED – We respect that we all have different tastes, likes and dislikes.


RESPONSIBLE – We understand that we have to take care of our vegetables in order for them to grow.


INCLUDED – We explore different foods from all around the world experiencing and learning about different cultures and food journeys.


The Eat Well Guide


Exposing our little ones to a wide variety of food source, that is high in nutrients and offers a balanced and healthy diet can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when we have fussy eaters.

The Eat Well Guide offers guidance and advice to families in how we can get the balance right.

When should I use the Eatwell Guide?

You can use the Eatwell Guide to help you make healthier choices whenever you’re:
• deciding what to eat
• at home cooking
• out shopping for groceries
• eating out in a restaurant, café or canteen
• choosing food on the go
Aim to fill your trolley with a healthy balance of different types of food.



** Triple P tip sheet and advice on supporting fussy eating habits are available on request.



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