Early Years Career Opportunities

An Early Years Careers Event is being held to promote the benefits of working in early years and the current opportunities and employment support available.

If you think you may be interested in a rewarding career in early learning and childcare and are enthusiastic and passionate about making a difference to children and families’ lives, then come along to our careers event to learn more.

You can attend our drop-in session at Kirkintilloch Learning Campus, 50 Southbank Road, G66 1NH, on Thursday 8th February from 5pm until 7pm or alternatively, join us online on Tuesday 13th February from 6pm until 7pm.   Please email us on ELC1140@eastdunbarton.gov.uk to receive a link to join the online event.

You will find out about all our current and upcoming vacancies and how to apply for positions including modern apprentices, support workers and early years practitioners including supply posts.  Learn about our Parental Employability Programme and supports available to help you back into employment. 

East Dunbartonshire – Supporting Families

Who are the Supporting Families Team and what do they do?

We are a small team based within the Education Early Years’ Service. Our role is to support all families who have children 0-10 years with any parenting queries, tips or strategies – no issue is too big or small.

Why do families access support through the team?

Most parents who access the service have children between 3 and 10 years old. For the majority of time parenting is rewarding but parents tell us sometimes it can be stressful. The Supporting Families Team offers free, informal, confidential support for every parent/carer either on a 1:1 basis or through a parenting group. Families do not need to be involved with any other services.

Parents can self-refer by emailing: parenting@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

Please Note:

If you are a resident of another Local Authority and your child attends an East Dunbartonshire school/nursery you can join a Triple P group (Day or Evening) and for 1:1 support you would access this from the Local Authority you live in.

Family Learning

East Dunbartonshire Council acknowledges the positive contribution parent/carers and families make to children’s learning. Family Learning supports parental participation and engagement in children’s learning at home, school and in their communities. It is crucial to raising attainment. It allows parents and families to become equal partners in their children’s learning

Benefits to participating in Family Learning experiences:

  • New skills
  • Increased confidence
  • Improved communication
  • Changed behaviours
  • Changed relationships within your community and family

For more information on support available and/or how to register for one of the many family learning sessions on offer visit – EDC Parent and Family Learning

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