CP NEWS – May Edition

Sponsored Bunny Hop

Thank You to all our wonderful children who took on our bunny hop challenge, and to all their wonderful families who sponsored them!

We are delighted to announce we raise the fantastic amount of  £375.

Being prepared for the ‘good auld Scottish weather’

We are entering the 4 season’s in one day time of year therefore it is really important that our small folk come prepared for all of the many climate changes we see in a day. Whilst we do have a small supply of spares, we do not have enough to equip all children at all times.  Therefore we would ask that all children bring the following items with them to the EYC.

  • Waterproofs/wellies
  • splash shoes i.e. crocs/croc style or strap sandals/jelly shoes (these can also be indoor shoes – ideal for our little toilet trainers)
  • Sun hat / Sun cream
  • Change of clothes inc. underwear

STAFFING – Changes in centre

As some of you may be aware our senior Laura has been absent from centre since the beginning of March.   As a team we try our best to ensure any changes to staffing or delivery causes minimal disruption to the service we provide, however we are aware that the Family Learning programme including our bookbug and interactive session have been on hold over the past 12 weeks, we would like to apologise for this and ensure you we are working hard towards having these back up and running in the not to distant future.

Acting Senior

We would like to CONGRATULATE our very own Rachael who after interview secured the acting senior position here at Colquhoun Park Early Years. I am sure you will all want to join us in saying a big well done, we are delighted for Rachael and our centre!


Mat Leave Returners 

Over the next few weeks you may see some familiar faces around centre as Shannon & Rebecca carry out some KIT days in preparation for their return in June! What a quick year that has been ladies.


Shannon & Rebecca will be returning to centre as job share, complimenting on another’s shift pattern.

Rebecca Mon/Tues & Shannon Wed/Thurs/Fri. 

We look forward to having you both back in centre ladies!

Our plans for the Outdoors

We are beginning to evaluate our service, looking at the targets we set to improve our centre and what we have identified as an area for improvement in the year ahead.

Developing our outdoor environment is high on our agenda and will be reflected as a priority in this years Centre Improvement Plan. To support this process staff members attended a centre based training course delivered by learning through landscapes where they were giving the opportunity to audit the environment and build their knowledge and reflect on outdoor practice.

We are excited to take this forward and as mentioned in previous correspondence we will reaching out for support from our families when the time comes…. get your shovels at the ready!!

SPORTS DAY – Thursday 6th June 2024 – 9:30am – 10:30am 

Our annual sports day will take place on Thursday 6th of June at the school pitches. Any children who do not normally attend during this time will be contacted directly by staff to arrange your child’s drop off and collection times. If you child typically attends an afternoon session we will request that, where possible, they swap onto a morning session.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, we do ask however that you remain outside the fencing at all times, this enables us to put the correct measures in place to ensure all children are safe and accounted for.



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