Barony Travel Plan and RBA School Map

As we edge closer to our move to the new campus PLP classes have had a chance to look at two important documents:


  1. The Barony Campus Travel Plan-   Barony Campus Travel Plan

This document contains maps and essential information covering the routes pupils should take into the new campus. It is important that parents and carers read this document to assist with traffic management, as it will be a busy area in the morning. Our staff will be assisted by the local police on the first day to ensure that pupils find the correct route into the building.

We would appreciate the cooperation and support of parents transporting their child to school via car by using only the designated drop off points to avoid traffic congestion. If you have any questions about the travel plan, please get in touch with the school office.


  1. RBA Map-   RBA School Map

Each pupil will be issued with a colour copy of this map on their first day. However, we would encourage them to download a copy of the image onto their phone, if they are able to. The map will be useful for pupils and they have already been encouraged to look at where the access points to the building are. We will be issuing further details about the first day arrangements to pupils on Wednesday and there will be an extended PLP period on the first day to ensure pupils are familiar with the new building.


On Wednesday we will be issuing pupils will instructions for the first day and these will be made available on our blog and school app.

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