P4 – Home Learning Tasks for Monday 8th March 2021

Good Morning P4!

How are you all? How was your weekend?

As Miss Black mentioned on Friday, today, tomorrow and Wednesday, I will be here (online) to help you with your tasks. You can contact me on your class TEAMs page or you can email me, my e-mail address is maria.mackinnon@eastayrshire.org.uk

Here are tasks for today, remember if you have any questions you can get me touch with me.

Daily Plan Monday 8th March

Numeracy Tasks:

2 times table task

5 times table task

10 times table task

10 times table wheels

Counting in 5’s

Here are your spelling words for the week;

Spelling Group A words

Spelling Group B words

Spelling Group C words


Topic Task Famous Scot


I hope that you all have a great day! 😊

Take care,

Mrs. MacKinnon.

Hi P4

Good afternoon P4,

I hope you have had a good day!

I just thought I would pop on to see how you are all doing? I hope you have enjoyed home learning with Mrs. Ellison.

Today is Mrs Ellison’s last day as she is going off on maternity leave toΒ  have her baby. From Monday to Wednesday Mrs MacKinnon in P4/5 will be posting your work and on Thursday and Friday Mrs Palmer in P6/7 will be posting your work. If you have any questions or wish to send them your work then please do so!

Myself and your friends in P3 are looking forward to having you back on the 15th.

I hope you have a great weekend and I will speak to you all very soon.

Miss Black x

P4 Home Learning 4.03.21

Good Morning P4!

How are you all? Happy World Book Day! πŸ™‚ I have attached your learning for today below and the additional resources that you will need to complete your work. Mrs Canning has posted your Science work for this afternoon too. Enjoy learning all about the body!

Daily Plan 4.03.21

3D Shape Challenge Day 3

Big Writing Success Criteria 4.3.21

World Book Day Costume

I hope you have a great day!

Mrs Ellison πŸ™‚

A little reminder for P3

Hi P3

I hope you have all had a great day at school.

As discussed in class today, next week for homework you will be constructing a model of a famous Scottish landmark.

Remember to collect 3D objects from around your home and save them for next week.

Have a great night.

Miss Black x

P3 Homework

Hi P3,

I hope you have had a good day at school. I have attached the homework for this week to be completed for Friday 5th March 2021.


You should complete this weeks spelling activity at home which is number 2 on the spelling menu – word parts.

Spelling Group A words

Spelling Group B words

Spelling Menu


Log in to Education City and complete this weeks maths homework.

Reading – Giglets

Log in to Giglets and complete the task attached to the Eggless reading book.

Any questions you have P3 just ask me in class or send me an email.

Miss Black x


P4 Home Learning 1.03.21

Good Morning P4!

How are you all this morning? I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outdoors. I can’t believe this is the first day of our new month – March! What a beautiful morning for the first day in March, I hope you manage to spend sometime outside playing today.

I have attached all your learning for today in the links below. Remember to take plenty of breaks and get some fresh air too. If you need any help then remember to get in touch.

Daily Plan 1.03.21

Spelling Group A words (1)

Spelling Group B words (1)

Spelling Group C words (1)

3D Shapes quiz

Nessie timeline



Enjoy your day!

Mrs Ellison πŸ™‚