Welcome to a round-up of the last term. We have added some of the information as links to keep the main body of the post shorter (it’s already really long!!). Please feel free to come back and forward and explore some of the things that have been happening.
Excluding absence, our staffing has remained stable this term. We will have a temporary post advertised soon for additional classroom assistant hours. We will update you on this when the position has been recruited. This position will remain in place until the summer. Shortly, we will also be advertising staffing positions that will be funded through PEF (pupil equity funding) for session 2023/24. Again we will keep you updated when there is further information.
We hope to be in a position to confirm classes and staff teachers for next session by May. This is not always possible as we wait confirmation of staffing from EAC. As a minimum we will confirm our P1 teacher in advance of our new P1s visiting starting in May.
We extend our thanks to Mr Burns who has been in our school completing his final teaching practice before completing his studies and embarking on the Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme in August. Mr Burns has been an outstanding addition to our staff team over the teaching blocks he has been with us. We know he will be missed dearly. We are hoping that we see him soon for some of the events planned next term.
We also said farewell to Shirley and Amanda from our catering staff. They have returned to Netherthird Primary School. We have been joined by Ann and we are delighted that we get to keep a fully operational kitchen. We would encourage anyone with questions about the catering facilitates to get in touch.
St Patrick’s Day 2023
Thank you to all that came along and helped us celebrate Mass. It was a wonderful way to start the day sharing in our faith with you all. Have a look at our video of the day that shows some of the other activities we took part in. We are so pleased that all feel welcome to come and celebrate with us, this includes those who practice the catholic faith, those of other faith groups and those not affiliated to any faith group. Huge thanks to all the staff and Fr Philip for the preparations in making this such an enjoyable experience. The Irish dancing with Mrs McCrorie was amazing. We have some vey talented children (and staff!). Click Here
Reporting to Parents
Pupil Progress Meetings
Once again we had almost 100% attendance for pupil progress meetings. Thank you so much for your continued support and partnership in the learning of your children. We know that some pupils were very new to the school when these took place. We will arrange for your child’s class teacher to be in contact with you after the Easter break. Many thanks to all of you that took the time to fill in our parent/carer questionnaire. This information helps us to plan for improvements. We are delighted by the positive responses, we know that some of you spoke to us regarding responses. It was reported that the order of the options was randomising and some responses were given as strongly disagree and disagree when this wasn’t meant. Thankfully, we were able to remedy this near the start of the evening. In the interest of transparency we have not altered any responses and have reported them as recorded. The information from this questionnaire and the school responses can be found here. Parent-Carer Questionnaire March 2023
Pupil Report Cards
These will be issued in June. If you require duplicate copies due to shared parenting arrangements please contact the school office.
Sharing our Learning
We are holding an open afternoon on Tuesday 25th April. All details have been sent out on the school app. We have partner agencies coming along too and we invite you to visit them in the hall, at the moment these are the confirmed partners;
- EAC Homelink Worker
- The Exchange Counselling Service
- Childsmile
- Finiancial Inclusion Assistant (St. Joseph’s Education Group)
- ACDI – Finance Support Service
- NEST (Neurodevelopmental Empowerment & Strategy Team)
- Young Carers
- Speech and Language Team
- SCES (Scottish Catholic Education Service)
If you are coming along we ask that you do not park in the Bowling Club car park or the Boswell Centre. Should you require parking close to the school due to mobility issues, please contact the school office and we make arrangements with you to use the staff car park. Thank You.
Scottish Celebrations
The month of January and into February is spent learning about our rich Scottish culture, language and it’s place in the world. One of the biggest events is our Burns Poetry and Singing competition. We were delighted to be joined by so many of you. We were also joined by Linda McAuley – Griffiths, Chief Education Officer and our Ward 7 and Ward 8 elected members. The most difficult task of the day was definitely that of Mr David Sullivan and Mr John Wilson, our judges. It was a wonderful morning and once again thanks go to an amazing staff team and our amazing weans for such an exceptionable performance. You can view photographs from the event here. Click Here
Well done to everyone who performed as part of their class song and those who gave solo performances. Our overall winner this year was Eternity, P7.
Our Faith
This term is always a very special term as we grow and share in our faith. Juliette, Ezra and Callagh all received the Sacrament of Confirmation in February alongside others from across our deanery.
We started our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday.
We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with Mass.
We attended the church as a whole school to celebrate Mass for the end of term. Enzo, Janey, Kendall and Max all received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Callagh and Ezra continue to prepare for First Holy Communion in May. We are so grateful for the close ties we have with our families and parishes. We would encourage parents, as the first catechists, for their children to ensure that our children are supported in practising their faith and in preparing for sacraments. The first notices about sacramental preparation will come from the Parishes. As teachers, we will support your child’s journey but there remains the expectation that children preparing for sacraments are involved in practising and living their faith out with school.
P6 pupils are enrolled for continued participation in the Pope Francis Faith Award. This includes all children regardless of their own faith group. In Primary 7, those pupils who practise our catholic faith can apply for parish commendation. There is an expectation that to receive this children are playing a full part in supporting the wider role of parish life. We will hold information sessions for all parents in the next school session to share these expectations with parents and carers.
A huge part of Lenten journey is our giving. In school we support this by raising funds for SCIAF. Thank you so much for your support with all our fundraising events this lent. We will share our fundraising total with you when we return after Easter. Huge thanks also go to all the children and staff who helped facilitate these events.
We wish all our families a very blessed Easter season and holiday period. We hope the sun shines on you all and that you manage to find the time to enjoy spending time with each surrounded by love. We look forward to seeing all our children back at school on Monday 17th April. We have such a busy final term coming up – although it will be hard pushed to keep up with how full on this last term was.
With all our best wishes,
All the Staff.
A quick list of just some of the other things that happened. (Please see the photo gallery of some of this work) CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO GALLERY
- Miss Donaghy from St Joseph’s delivered a block of learning in French
- Members of our SLT visited classes and spoke with pupils to gather information about the learning and teaching of reading.
- Paul Brunton from Rock N Role models has been working with individual pupils and small group using creating in music as a way to explore emotions.
- KCST football delivered sessions to P3/4 and P4/5
- Cumnock Rugby have worked with P4/5
- Mr Devlin from Active schools delivered a lunchtime club and after school club for P1-P3
- Diane Evans worked with a small group of pupils exploring art and the wellbeing benefits it can bring.
- Ms McPherson from EAC instrumental service is delivering learning in Percussion to some P6s and P7s.
- Mr Sullivan continues teaching Piano
- Lucy visits our school to deliver learning and teaching for music in P3/4 and P4/5 weekly
- P7 have continued transition visits to SJA and RBA
- Mrs Bradley, Ada and Kai were invited along to Auchinleck PS for their Burns Supper
- P7 residential to Lockerbie
- World Book Day – P4/5 shared their love of books with the community by ‘hiding’ books in the village
- Our 1 to 1 Chromebook pilot has expanded and we have now been able to equip all P5 – P7s and some P4s. We are in awe of the way our pupils are supporting each other and the grown ups in learning how to use these effectively.
- Our football training is run by two parent volunteers, we have played a couple of friendlies and a cup tie so far. After the break we will be competing in the group stages of the DMI cup.
- Allan’s Magic Roadshow visit and performed to P1 – P4.
- Our amazing, Mason, Tyler, Sofia and Hope came 2nd in the EA EuroQuiz Heat
- British Science Week – P6 and P7 worked together to design and make land buggies.
- Our Eco Club are doing a great job raising awareness of all things sustainable. They spoke at assembly to encourage everyone to consider active travel. Look out for more work in the community in the new term.
- P7 joined with P7 from Auchinleck PS for a visit to the Burns birthplace Museum. This visit was made possible from the support of Bobby at ACDI.
- P2/3 Assembly led an assembly on sustainability.
- Mrs Sinclair and our RRSA group were awarded bronze.
- P2/3 were awarded their bronze in the RSPB Wild Challenge.