Tag Archives: climate change

National Galleries competition!

The annual National Galleries Scotland competition is here! This year the theme for S1-S3 is “Climate Change“. Read below to find out more!


  • 53 prizes of art materials for winners with their work exhibited at the National Galleries of Scotland
  • 12 schools will each receive a £100 voucher for art materials
  • 12 schools will get a free artist-led workshop
  • All winning artworks will feature in a colourful calendar posted to every school in Scotland


  • What do you know about climate change?
  • How has climate change started to affect different parts of the world?
  • Have you noticed any effects of climate change where you live
  • What could happen if temperatures rose across the world?
  • What could happen if the sea level rose?
  • How could the landscape change in the next 50 years where you live? In other parts of the world?
  • What can people do to slow down climate change? Recycle, reuse, repair, think about their carbon footprint, conserve energy, conserve water, limit food waste, buy local, reduce meat consumption, avoid single use plastic
  • What are the best ways to communicate the urgency of action against climate change?


Create a picture relating to climate change. You could consider the effects or consequences of global warming and/or the ways in which it could be prevented. Any materials (new or recycled), techniques or processes (for example drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, photography, computer aided design, collage, montage) to make your piece as long as each entry is two-dimensional.


The closing date is Friday 24 April 2020. If you would like to enter and want to know more you can speak to any of the art staff and come along to art club on Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes to work on your entry!