week beginning 19th November

Primary 3/4 really enjoyed making lanterns this week with special visitors. We worked really hard and they turned out so well.


We made predictions about substances that are soluble and insoluble in preparation for our experiment next week.

Outdoor Learning

We had lots of fun being outdoors and exploring Catrine for our John Muir day.


Some of us were getting into the Christmas spirit this week as we started preparation for our christmas fayre.

Week beginning 13th November


This week we were interpreting pictographs. We had different stations that we worked around. We also did some partitioning and adding in chunks.


We were looking at the main ideas of a text and we used our book “This Rabbit belongs to Emily Brown”. For our writing this week we were looking at how to write a non-chronological report. We all love the youtuber Mr Beast so we decided to do a report on him. We planned and discussed this as a class this week. We also learned all about commas this week and had super understanding of this.

Primary 3/4 really enjoyed having parents in for our Literacy open morning this week. We loved all of our activities that were planned for us and it allowed us to show everybody what we get up to in class.


We looked at mixing primary colours with paint. We also did some landscape drawings which gave the illusion of depth to create a super piece of work.


This week we got put into teams and took part in a mini tournament in football.

Have a lovely weekend:)

Week beginning 6th November


This week we looked at how to rhyme and different examples. We made our own visual timetable which meant we had to write the subject and also draw a picture which was relevant. Later on the week we were learning about alliterations. Our text for writing this term is expository therefore we had a go at writing instructions.

We are really enjoying exploring new books from our class library which is allowing us to read for enjoyment.


Our focus for this term is still number work. We were doing number talks and we also looked at addition. On Thursday we did topic maths which for this term is data handling. We enjoyed looking at and understanding pictograms and it was fun to work in pairs to complete our job.


We had a go at some team races this week. Then we went on to football on Friday where we focused on passing.


We were studying an artist called Vincent Van Gogh. His work inspired us to create some lovely pictures of flowers.

Week beginning 30th October


This week in Literacy, we learned how to write a book review. This involved us rating the book and write a summary.

“I enjoyed doing it because it was a fun book.” – Callum

We also learned to unscramble sentences in order to make them correct.

In spelling, we looked at syllabification and diacritical marking.


In maths, we started a new topic which was data handling. We took our learning outside and used our new knowledge to count and record objects outside using tally marks.


Since it is coming up to bonfire night, we decided to do some lovely firework art. They turned out really well.

“We used lollipop sticks, paint and glitter.” – Mia

Committee Groups

We all went our separate ways for an afternoon this week to join our committee groups.

“We learned how to play the ukulele.” – Mykayla

“We were looking at pictures and we had to write things about article 8.” – Callum / Braxton

” We designed our own fish to show that we are all different but we swim together.” Logan



We are still learning new things on our chrome books. We are all getting really good at logging in.


We had lots of fun at our Hallowe’en party. We danced, dooked for apples, had good snacks and lots of other nice activities. We joined up with primary 4/5 which was really nice.

First Week Back

Primary 3/4 were all really happy to be back at school after our October break…

Our brains were all recharged and ready to learn lots of new things.


This week for literacy we were looking at inference and summarising. We continued to read our book and implemented our new knowledge into our given tasks. We produced some really good work this week.

Our handwriting is coming on in leaps and bounds.

We have been continuing to read our books during ERIC time to improve our fluency in reading. Miss Caughie is really enjoying listening to us all.

Our writing assessment this week involved us all using our knowledge that we have learned throughout the term about descriptive writing. Since it is coming up to Hallowe’en, we had to describe one of the witches from Hocus Pocus. We all had really good descriptive phrases to write.


This week in numeracy we have been looking at addition. We have been working in our groups doing different activities such as: worksheets, ICT and games.

We are also so lucky to have been given class chromebooks. The boys and girls have been doing really well at adapting to the new software and worked really well following instructions to get logged on to them so that they could use them for maths games.


We designed our own pumpkins this week to decorate our classroom and create a spooky atmosphere.




Week beginning 9th October

Primary 3 /4 are so ready for their October week because they have been working super hard.


This week we worked on more reading strategies for our book “That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown.” We looked at visualisation and metalinguistics. We used our dictionary skills to work out the meaning of words that we didn’t know. We also did some spelling tasks this week for our ‘ow’ sound which were making our own word search, diacritical marking and highlighting our phoneme story.  This week for our writing we wrote a descriptive piece about a hidden world full of dragons which had a focus on the five senses (touch, taste, smell, hear and see)

We have been continuing our ERIC reading time and handwriting everyday which has been a huge success for our fluency and accuracy.


We are coming to the end of our Place Value topic and have lots of consolidation this week to make sure we have secured our knowledge.

Ivy McGhee says that “it was so much fun.”


We were so extremely lucky this week to have had Mia Page’s mum and dad in to allow us to experience the life of a viking. We really enjoyed telling them what we had learned and also learned some things that we didn’t know.

“I really enjoyed looking at all of the weapons.” – Riley Main

“I liked the viking armour.” – Adam

“I learned about the pots that they used for candles.” – Logan Rockall


We had a lot of fun playing passing games in basketball.

Harvest Hush In

We did so well as a class to complete the harvest hush in…

Our jobs that we had to keep us busy were:

-Harvest colouring


-Creating our own story / comic book.

We had sea turtles on in the background which keeps us super focused!

Parents evening was really successful and we are all happy with our progress throughout the term. We hope everybody has a very well deserved break.



Week beginning 2nd October

We can’t believe that we are into October already and the holidays are just a week away…

Primary 3/4 have been busy again this week with lots of good work being produced.


Primary 3 /4 have started doing handwriting everyday which we are doing really well with.

This week we started a new phoneme, which was ‘ow’. We all recognised this sound and came up with some good words. We also worked really well as a class to use our spelling strategies to help us spell these words.

We also started some new books this week in order to improve our fluency in reading. Along with this we have a new class novel called ” That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown” which will allow us to focus on reading and comprehension strategies. Our first task for this book was looking at prior knowledge. We all got involved in the discussion and came up with some really good ideas.

Our focus for writing is still descriptive writing. This week we took our learning outside and completed a job in pairs based on the five senses. Our ideas were fabulous!

“I really liked taking our learning outside today. I learned things I didn’t know.” – Cole Morrison

Across the Curriculum 

For our topic this week we looked at viking runes and we had a go at writing our names. We all really enjoyed this and our names turned out super. They will go up alongside our longships and shieds.

“It was very nice to do because we were writing like vikings.” –  Callum Stakim


This weeks focus in numeracy was number patterns and sequences. We all really enjoy our rotations and are always enthusiastic because we love learning in different ways.


Our team building skills are improving every week. We are starting to use our knowledge and listening skills to be safe in the hall.

Outdoor Learning

We loved being in our houses and heading out to do some learning in the community all thanks to Mrs McCaig for organising our John Muir day.

“It was really fun because  it was good to learn while exercising.”


Week beginning 25th September

We were all fully charged up and ready to go with our learning this week after our long weekend 🙂


This week we continued to work on our basketball skills. Our focus this week was shooting and dribbling.


We really enjoyed designing our own Viking shields this week. We all put our own personal touch on them and they really brighten up our wall along with our Viking Longships.


Braxton – ” We were saving pictures from internet into albums on our computers.”

We learned how to create a new album on our desktop and name it accordingly. We then browsed the internet for some good pictures and worked out how to save them in the correct folder.

We all followed Miss Caughie’s step by step instructions very well.


Primary 3/4 did lots of jobs in Literacy this week..

Some of us were doing dictated sentences with Miss Caughie. Others were creating graffiti walls with our ‘ea’ spelling words. Another group was using mirrors to recognise common words.

We continued our writing with a focus of similes. Some of us were writing with Miss Caughie whilst others worked on the laptops doing tasks about similes and the other group were completing a worksheet.


Our numeracy this week consisted of number talks and consolidation of our learning in place value. We really enjoyed having parents in for our open morning.

We have been really engaged and more focused with the help of our meditation sea turtles in the background.



Week Beginning 18th September


This week we finished our schonell spelling test. We all tried really hard with this. We are still enjoying listening to our book ‘How to train your dragon’ . We also continued with our descriptive writing with a focus on similes. We were describing a picture of a Viking using a variety of really good similes such as:

“his beard is as long as a giraffes neck.” – Callum

“his hair is a twisted rope.” – Owen

“his jacket is white and fluffy like the clouds.” – Braxton

Primary 3/4 were also taking part in listening activities. They had to listen very carefully to instructions in order to undergo the jobs.


We continued our place value topic this week. We were focusing on writing numbers in words. We had our rotations which were: sumdog, games and working in our jotters.

“I enjoyed playing place value games on sumdog.” – Cole


This week in PE were were continuing our team building in order to build positive relationships. We were also practising our dribbling and passing skills.


We were finishing off our Viking long ships which are going to be displayed outside of our classroom.


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