Week beginning 6th November


This week we looked at how to rhyme and different examples. We made our own visual timetable which meant we had to write the subject and also draw a picture which was relevant. Later on the week we were learning about alliterations. Our text for writing this term is expository therefore we had a go at writing instructions.

We are really enjoying exploring new books from our class library which is allowing us to read for enjoyment.


Our focus for this term is still number work. We were doing number talks and we also looked at addition. On Thursday we did topic maths which for this term is data handling. We enjoyed looking at and understanding pictograms and it was fun to work in pairs to complete our job.


We had a go at some team races this week. Then we went on to football on Friday where we focused on passing.


We were studying an artist called Vincent Van Gogh. His work inspired us to create some lovely pictures of flowers.

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